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IDM Airport Broadband Fusion Dispatch System Fusion Communication Platform Function


1.1 Professional voice cluster communication function
The IDM integrated communication platform has created a professional cluster intercom mode in broadband network environments, following the narrowband cluster system grouping mode. It can provide users with large-scale, multi combat unit, and multi-level voice cluster scheduling functions, as well as professional cluster communication functions such as group calls, individual calls (private calls), call group scanning, and priority allocation. It is a multimedia mobile command system suitable for real-time command and monitoring of large-scale mobile groups. It can serve as a beneficial supplement to narrowband cluster communication systems, such as in areas where private networks cannot cover, such as underground spaces, and is not limited by the coverage area of private networks, allowing for nationwide communication. In addition to the voice cluster function in broadband environments, it can also interconnect with existing narrowband cluster networks locally, achieving functions such as mixed grouping and unified scheduling of narrowband and narrowband terminals.
The main functions of cluster communication include: group call communication, individual call communication (private call), call group scanning, self built temporary groups, quick return to the main call group, priority setting (queuing and strong insertion and disconnection mechanism), quick group switching, online member list, text and image sending, call group recording query and playback, personalized address book, etc.
The IDM integrated communication platform not only retains the original narrowband cluster voice intercom mode, but also adds many practical functions according to network characteristics and command business needs. The main functions are as follows:
1.1.1 Group call communication
Group call communication is the most frequently used communication mode in cluster communication, which can achieve a one to many call mode. Users can initiate or receive voice calls within their group through the client program. According to the characteristics of professional cluster intercom, group call communication is a half duplex call mode.
The IDM platform can set different call buttons based on the terminal type, including: soft PTT button (applicable to all smart terminals), dedicated PTT button (broadband image transmission terminal, law enforcement device, smartwatch), and volume button PTT (broadband image transmission terminal, mobile phone).
1.1.2 Call Communication (Private Call)
The system provides point-to-point full duplex call mode, which can ensure real-time two-way transmission of voice. The system provides private call function, which has been re encoded to ensure the personal privacy and business confidentiality of users during the call process.
1.1.3 Call group scanning
The scanning function enables the terminal to simultaneously monitor multiple call groups, without missing information from other groups due to not switching to them in a timely manner. The scanning function requires authorization from the system management server and setting of the scanning range to be implemented.
1.1.4 Self built temporary call group
Convenient for end users to create call groups due to unexpected or temporary events, and invite relevant personnel to join the call group for group call communication without the need for administrator allocation. Temporary groups have timeliness, and the survival time of user created temporary groups can be flexibly selected from 4 hours to 24 hours. After the survival time ends, the call group will be automatically deleted without occupying channel and server resources for a long time.
Temporary call groups are used in the same way as regular groups. When creating a temporary group, members of the group can be set to automatically join the temporary group without the need for individual notification, making it convenient, fast, and efficient to meet the needs of temporary grouping.
1.1.5 Priority playback and quick return of the main call group
When the platform administrator creates users, a main call group is set for each user. When scanning the main call group, it will have a priority playback function. If the user switches to another call group and starts scanning, voice communication in the main call group will be scanned and played first. At the same time, there is a quick return button for the main call group, which can be clicked to return to the main call group without the need for manual group switching.
1.1.6 Priority Setting (Queuing and Strong Insertion/Removal Mechanism)
According to the functional requirements of professional cluster communication, all users are assigned corresponding priorities based on different levels, and high priority users have the right to occupy channel resources first. If the current group call channel is occupied, high priority users do not need to queue and can obtain the call channel through the wall insertion and disconnection function. Users with the same priority will execute a queuing mechanism based on the time of preemption of PTT.
The IDM integrated communication platform has subdivided 9 priority levels for all end users, and users can flexibly configure them according to their own business needs.
1.1.7 Quick group cutting
In order to facilitate the quick and accurate switching of call groups for end users in practical situations, the main interface of the terminal call allows for flexible and convenient selection of call groups through sliding windows, and quick return to the main call group can be achieved through the shortcut keys of the main call group.
1.1.8 Online Member List
The broadband terminal can display a list of online members for each call group, allowing for timely understanding of the online personnel situation within the group, ensuring the effectiveness of real-time services such as video push or request reporting. And through historical call records, call records within the call group can be replayed at any time to ensure that information is not missed.
1.1.9 Text information and image sending
In addition to voice communication, text messages and pictures can also be sent and exchanged with all members within the call group, enriching the communication methods of group members. Through timely summarization of various information, commanders or on-site personnel can grasp various surrounding information to the maximum extent.
1.1.10 Call group recording inquiry and playback
Real time recording of group calls, real-time audio and video recording of reported videos, all business data will be automatically saved on the storage server, and the system provides functions such as audio and video retrieval for users to easily search and playback.
All call records of terminal group calls will be recorded in the background. If the user does not hear clearly, they can play and listen again, which is also convenient for the user to query afterwards. The recording will have timeliness according to the storage space, and will be overwritten cyclically after reaching the storage limit.
To ensure terminal security, the program will automatically delete the temporarily stored audio and video files after logging out of the system.
1.1.11 Personalized Address Book
System administrators can set personnel and equipment information according to their needs, and end users can also set their own personal information. Members can add contact lists to each other for easy and quick personal calls.
1.1.12 Flexible Mobile Video Reporting and Push
The IDM integrated communication platform supports flexible push of network access images, which can be pushed to the large screens of command centers at all levels, temporary command center monitors, command vehicle televisions/monitors, and portable command tablets. The image can be captured by a fixed camera or reported in real-time by a mobile terminal. Image reporting is divided into active reporting or proactive application from superiors to subordinates.
All integrated communication platform terminals (mobile command terminals, broadband image transmission terminals) are a mobile video source, and advanced user permissions are assigned to these professional tools by the system backend. They can have the ability to perform secondary processing on reported images and can simultaneously push horizontally and vertically to one or more devices; If these terminals also have advanced permissions, they can continue to push videos to relevant personnel or devices. Moreover, these terminals that receive images can utilize the cluster group call function, which provides a practical means for multiple responsible persons to jointly command on-site image reporting personnel.
1.1.13 Call and push of fixed images
The IDM integrated communication platform can access the local image monitoring network of urban management users. Through the integrated communication management platform, authorized users can import a list of image resources, apply to call images within their permission range for viewing, and flexibly push them to various output devices, portable command terminals, handheld broadband image transmission intercom terminals, etc. Maximize the application scope of video surveillance, popularize image applications, and provide strong image resource support for on-site personnel.
1.1.14 Support for video conferencing system
The IDM integrated communication platform can realize video conferencing applications with simplex voice. Mobile command terminals, broadband image transmission terminals, video output terminals, and other devices can all serve as sub venue terminals for video conferences, playing or pushing real-time audio and video from the conference site to video output devices for display through television, large screens, and other devices. At the same time, it can also be used as an audio and video capture device to transmit the audio and video from the terminal to the backend of the video conferencing system, and the video conferencing backend can call the current terminal audio and video resources to display at other venues.
In emergency or sudden situations, frontline commanders can use mobile command terminals to temporarily set up simple single venue image video conferences, and use image push functions to send speaker images to relevant attendees' pads and broadband image transmission terminals. Participants should pay attention to the image of the spokesperson and use the intercom PTT to speak in reverse when needed.
1.1.15 Graphic Command Mode of GIS System
The modern command mode has gradually shifted from a single voice command mode to a video command mode based on monitoring systems, and now to a visual command mode relying on GIS systems. Through the comprehensive access platform of various resources such as voice, video, positioning, and data, a comprehensive and three-dimensional command system is achieved, enabling the rear to timely understand the on-site situation through various means and issue instructions to the front in a timely and effective manner, achieving effective communication.
The IDM integrated communication platform can rely on the user's existing GIS map resources and utilize the platform's map service software module to display the map interface. Command personnel can directly push important alarm information to the mobile command terminal equipped by the leader on the map; Leaders can see the real-time distribution of various resources on site through maps, view real-time video and alarm handling processes, and report situations. They can also directly command and communicate with the command center, frontline personnel, other units/organizations/individuals through the communication subsystem.
At present, the resources that can be displayed on the map include mobile positioning information such as vehicles (GPS, Beidou shipborne positioning), broadband image transmission terminals, mobile phones, law enforcement devices, fixed cameras, and other devices. Each type of device is overlaid with different icons and independent layers for display, and can also be displayed independently as needed.
The commander can create a temporary group function by circling on the map, which automatically switches all terminals within the circled range to the group. The commander can quickly command all personnel within the designated range.
1.1.16 Audio and Video Storage and Retrieval System
Real time recording of group calls, real-time audio and video recording of reported videos, all business data will be automatically saved on the storage server, and the system provides functions such as audio and video retrieval for users to easily search.
1.1.17 Powerful System Management Platform
The IDM integrated communication platform is equipped with a powerful system management platform. All server functions, user organizational structure division, user account permissions, terminal device permissions, business data queries, platform log recording, platform operation data statistics, and other information are implemented by the management platform. The management platform is divided into platform administrators and user administrators according to their roles. User account configuration and permission allocation are the responsibility of the platform administrator; User business data is the responsibility of the user administrator.
1.2 Front end wireless video integrated platform functions
1.2.1 Information transmission function
The wireless video integrated platform is equipped with multiple interfaces, which can receive image information from the collection terminal through on-site dedicated networks, satellite networks, LTE wireless networks, or HDMI physical interfaces, providing voice and image communication for on-site personnel. Therefore, the collected information can be transmitted back to the command center in real time.
1.2.2 Establishing a transmission channel
The platform supports wired and LTE private network communication access, ensuring interconnection with the Blue Army command center, realizing image, data, and voice communication, and ensuring real-time command and deployment of on-site combat forces.
1.2.3 Single soldier image transmission function
The platform supports audio and video transmission function, supports two-way audio and video, can command individual soldiers on the scheduling platform, and can also issue command commands in real time based on location information. The individual soldier can actively call the platform for audio or video reporting work.
1.2.4 Integrated communication scheduling function
The platform can achieve integrated communication among all terminals on site, and the system can achieve conference integration function. The system with video capability can access video, while the system without video capability can access voice. All members can speak and listen during the conference. Support video polling, video split screen display, etc
1.2.5 Video surveillance function
Through the wireless video integrated platform, high-definition cameras, high-definition display screens, and other on-site configurations can be connected to the platform, supporting efficient browsing and switching, achieving unified control and supervision of various resource information, and facilitating the operation of command personnel
1.2.6 Dynamic display of members
The call status, online status, location status, etc. of all members in the system are presented in real time, and the real-time status of members in the system is grasped.
1.2.7 Emergency Plan
The platform can generate various emergency plan programs and support one click initiation. Implement multiple means of rotating training calls and SMS notifications for contact personnel.
1.3 Backend Video Integrated Platform
1.3.1 Duty on duty function
The on duty dispatch seat can realize icon based grouping management of staff, with each member corresponding to an icon. The icon can display the personnel name, extension number, and real-time status of the terminal through different colors;
The on duty dispatch agent can quickly initiate one click voice calls to staff through the communication book or member display interface, and can achieve basic voice dispatch functions such as forced insertion, forced disconnection, and monitoring.
1.3.2 Video scheduling function
The command center video integrated platform can access, forward, and distribute videos from front-end LTE terminals, video surveillance systems, and other systems. The platform supports video fusion functionality. On the PC video sharing client, remote video points can be tuned for viewing.
Video features:
Ø Video encoding
Supports MPEG4, H263, H263+, H264, H265 encoding technologies.
Advanced stream control mechanisms and bandwidth adaptation mechanisms can effectively ensure smooth and beautiful video effects when network conditions are poor.
Ø Fully supports all current video resolutions
From 176 × 144 to 1280 * 720, supports high-definition video.
Support layered encoding transmission control technology and packet loss recovery (PLC) technology, which can ensure image continuity in the event of a large number of packet losses.
Ø Multiple video sources
Support multiple video source access, so that one venue can access multiple terminal videos and display them simultaneously during the conference.
Ø Video Rotation
Supports multiple video synchronization loops and local loops, and can set the number and interval time of video loops.
Ø Split screen display
Support video and data split screen display, provide multiple window layouts that can be manually adjusted or window adaptive, and can achieve vivid layout effects such as multi grid playback, full screen enlargement, and multi-channel split screen.
Provides a multi-channel layout of multiple videos within the video window, which can be adaptively adjusted to achieve focus highlighting, full screen enlargement, multi-channel split screen, and other layouts.
1.3.3 Map scheduling function
Support multiple map engines, including Baidu Online Maps, Baidu Offline Maps, Gaode Online Maps, ArcGis Online Maps, custom maps, etc.
Map scheduling supports the following functions:
Basic map functions: scale, zoom in, zoom out, roaming, distance measurement, area measurement;
Map scheduling function: terminal positioning display, real-time tracking for single/multiple people, single/multiple person trajectory playback, circle selection intercom/conference/broadcast call, box selection intercom/conference/broadcast call, click call, single selection call, member type filtering, group member centralized display, status filtering, electronic fence and other functions.
1.3.4 Instruction scheduling function
The command center can send text messages to the dispatched users through the PC client. With this function, dispatchers can quickly issue job instructions, and end users can access them at any time. In environments with strong noise interference and inconvenient voice communication, text command scheduling can serve as a good alternative scheduling method for voice communication.
Short message services collect short data information from various types of terminals, perform unified parsing, storage, forwarding, distribution and push, and achieve short message interoperability between heterogeneous communication systems.
1.3.5 Voice scheduling function
The dispatch console can initiate voice scheduling for multiple users such as individual terminals and members. Including comprehensive voice scheduling functions such as one click direct call, voice conference, monitoring, proxy connection, hold, forced insertion, forced disconnection, transfer, emergency call, etc.
※ Fully functional: It has practical functions such as scheduling calls between users, multi-level user permissions, caller ID, user status monitoring, digital recording and playback, conference calls, group calls, broadcasting, single key calls, strong insertion and disconnection, monitoring, scheduling transfer retention, call selection, etc.
※ Status monitoring: It can display the working status of each scheduling user and relay according to the color change of the indicator light, and can perform strong plug in calls or force disconnection for users.
One click calling: Phone number and name storage, enabling quick speed dialing.
※ Flexible dialing methods: Simply press the user's single key or store the single key, and the phone will automatically dial hands-free; Or use the user's single key, storage number single key, or numeric dialing when picking up the phone.
※ Transfer: After an internal or external call, if you want to contact someone else, the dispatch center can directly dial the required extension number or press the user's single key.
※ Strong insertion: When calling a certain extension and the extension is in a call, press the 'Strong Insertion' button and the extension single key to directly insert the extension into the call channel for three-way communication. After forcefully inserting a three-way call, the inserted extension can hang up and also transfer the other party to another extension; The dispatcher hangs up and resumes the original call.
※ Forced disconnection: When a user or relay is occupied for a long time, causing the extension or relay to disconnect the call, the extension will listen to a busy tone and the relay will resume.
※ Telephone conference: Press the 'Conference' button, and then press the user key or storage key one by one to convene the telephone conference.
Group call: Single or multiple group calls, fast, efficient, and convenient; All designated group users can be called, and users can join the group call conference off hook; You can directly make designated users temporarily join the group call group. Or ask the designated user to immediately exit the group call group.
※ Broadcast: Group broadcast: When holding a broadcast, broadcast commands can be issued to designated groups or broadcast to all groups; You can also temporarily add extensions that are not in the broadcast group to the broadcast; Roll call broadcast: When holding a broadcast, designated extensions can be added to the broadcast one by one; After receiving the broadcast command, the Mandarin phone rings and answers the broadcast after picking up the phone. The dedicated phone or broadcast receiver automatically picks up the phone to answer the broadcast after receiving the broadcast command. The convener hangs up and ends the broadcast.
※ Monitoring: Press the 'Monitoring' button and then press the single key or relay key of the internal user who is in a call to monitor the call without the user's knowledge.
※ Ring closing: If the dispatch station is in a call state and there is a new incoming call, the dispatch station can perform a ring closing operation, that is, it will not ring during this call; After the call ends, the closing bell will be automatically released.
1.3.6 Multimedia Conference
A multimedia conference composed of multiple communication terminals (including individual soldier terminals, LTE terminals, video surveillance terminals, etc.), where the media server concatenates multiple sources of video into a multi grid composite image. The participants in the meeting can be in a mixed form of pure audio, audio and video, and members who participate in voice form will not display images. Members can be added or removed during the meeting.
1.3.7 Scheduling Recording
Centralize the storage of all scheduled voice communications within the platform, and provide functions such as retrieval, playback, and download of recorded information.
1.3.8 Scheduling Video Recording
This function, in conjunction with a media recording server, centrally stores all scheduled voice communications, video communications, text messages, multimedia messages, etc. within the entire network, and provides functions such as retrieval, playback, and download of audio and video information.
1.3.9 Multi level scheduling
Multi level scheduling is a multi-layered structure in terms of scheduling business logic. By configuring the higher-level video integration platform, it presents the relevant mobile terminals, monitoring cameras, and other members of the lower level video integration platform in the organizational structure list. It can also schedule the mobile terminals, monitoring cameras, and other members of the lower level emergency fusion communication platform. Implement business management from the higher-level video integrated platform to the lower level wireless video integrated platform.
1.4 IDM Fusion Scheduling System WEB Client
1.4.1 Software main interface

1.4.1 软件主界面.jpg

1.4.2 Voice Dispatch Interface

1.4.2 语音调度界面.jpg

1.4.3 Radio Dispatch Interface

1.4.3 电台调度界面.jpg

1.4.4 Audio and Video Conference Interface

1.4.4 音视频会议界面.jpg

1.4.5 Video Monitoring Interface

1.4.5 视频监控界面.jpg

1.4.6 IoT Monitoring Interface

1.4.6 物联网监测界面.jpg

1.5 System advantages
Ø Integrated integrated scheduling capability: The system is centered around IP multimedia communication exchange, combined with integrated communication desktop scheduling software and mobile clients, to integrate multimedia communication capabilities such as voice, video, instant messaging, SMS, intercom, and conference, and build an integrated command and scheduling system that integrates voice, video, and data communication.
Powerful resource integration capability: Supports protocols such as SIP, PSIP, H.263, RTSP, E1, etc., integrates existing audio, video, and data resource access, and achieves business interoperability and comprehensive resource scheduling between heterogeneous communication networks. The voice system includes PBX telephone system, IP telephone system, broadcasting system, voice conference system, etc; Video systems include: video surveillance systems, LTE broadband systems, video conferencing systems, etc; Data systems include instant messaging, GIS location, terminal status, etc.
Efficient mobile command capability: The integrated communication mobile client APP can be installed on various mobile intelligent terminals such as intelligent soldiers, LTE terminals, and mobile monitoring, realizing functions such as voice calls, video calls, image/video feedback, positioning, trajectory display, etc. The command center can quickly and comprehensively grasp on-site information, and achieve efficient and accurate unified scheduling.
Flexible deployment and collaborative scheduling: The system supports cloud virtual deployment, as well as hierarchical and distributed deployment, which facilitates multi-level and multi person collaboration to enable scheduling mode and achieve efficient emergency command coordination.
Ø Safe and highly reliable design: The intelligent fusion communication platform supports redundant dual machine hot standby design and has a comprehensive security protection system,
Ø Standardized development interface: The communication scheduling platform provides standardized middleware for upper level business application systems, without considering the underlying architecture. By calling standardized interfaces, various types of audio and video calls, conference operations, SMS fax, video operations, location positioning, alarm reception, data monitoring and other business support functions can be implemented, reducing development costs and shortening development cycles.
Ø★ IoT service access: Supports IoT service modules, which can access outdoor environmental parameter monitoring data, personnel vital sign monitoring data, vehicle status monitoring data, and display them in real-time on the integrated command software platform for data analysis and deduction;
Ø★ 4K Input/Output and Video Splicing: Our device supports up to 4K resolution for video input/output, and supports multiple interface forms such as HDMI, DVI, SDI, etc. Different functional modules can be selected according to actual needs to support video splicing output;
Ø★ Integrated Command and Dispatch Software Platform: I conveniently carry the integrated command and dispatch software platform, which integrates pre plan, large screen control, video command, video monitoring, pan tilt control, programmable central control, audio adjustment, live/recording, pause and other controls, system status, system configuration and other functions;
Ø★ Video command and dispatch function: Supports the H.23/SIP/RTP/RTMP protocol, opens compatible H.23/SIP protocol, and enables one click interaction between devices, devices and handheld terminals, devices and mainstream video terminals and MCUs in the market;
Ø★ Multi protocol support: Supports TCP/UDP/RTSP/RTP/RTMP/ONVIF/H.263/SIP/HTTP and other protocols;
Ø★ Support for cascading multiple devices: In specific application scenarios where a single device cannot meet the requirements, multiple devices can be cascaded to meet the scheduling needs of high-capacity scenarios;
Ø★ Single soldier image transmission: It has the function of single soldier image transmission, and also has two-way voice, which can visually command individual soldiers on the dispatch platform;
Ø★ Integrated communication scheduling: The services provided include: voice scheduling service, video scheduling service, video surveillance service, cluster intercom service, voice and video conferencing service, fax service, voice file broadcasting service, message instruction scheduling service, contingency plan scheduling service, GIS scheduling service, blacklist and whitelist, call record management, multimedia record management, user resource management, decoder management, video service management, relay routing management, online upgrade of terminal equipment, unified management of terminal parameters, and system permission management;
Ø★ Multiple transmission methods: The original system mainly used broadband self-organizing network wireless communication methods. I can easily carry equipment and access SDH optical transmission modules, Ethernet optical switching modules, and E1 integrated access modules, providing multiple transmission methods that can be flexibly used according to actual usage environments;
Ø★ Transmission Line Redundancy Protection: I am convenient to carry equipment that supports redundancy protection backup on various transmission lines such as SDH optical transmission lines, Ethernet optical switching, E1 lines, and wireless ad hoc networks. After enabling line protection backup, if any transmission line is interrupted, the business will automatically switch to other transmission lines.


Created on:2024-08-30 17:00