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IDM Fusion Communication Command and Dispatch System - Voice Dispatch Function

IDM Fusion Communication Command and Dispatch System - Voice Dispatch Function

IDM融合通信<a href=http://www.rdtcom.com/zhihuidiaodu/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>指挥调度</a>系统---语音调度功能1.jpg


The voice scheduling function mainly includes all basic communication and supplementary business functions of softswitch communication, commonly used scheduling functions, scheduling conference functions, recording, SMS, fax, system management, dispatcher management, and other related functions. The console supports command and scheduling of the following types of communication terminals.
One click direct call
The console can initiate basic calls to various types of communication terminals such as landline phones, mobile phones, and cluster terminals by touching and clicking on icons in the scheduling user list with the mouse. In addition, the console can also make quick calls to other consoles.
2 Dial up calls
On the console, you can click the "dial" button to bring up the dial interface. Enter the terminal number you want to call on the dial to make a basic call. Dial calls support calling all terminals that are interconnected on the dispatch machine.
3 hang up
During a call, clicking the "hang up" button on the console can interrupt the communication terminal that has established the call with the console or is in the process of establishing the call, including the terminal number held by the console, but it does not affect scheduling users who have already joined the conference.
4. Remove the wires
Disconnecting allows the control panel to remotely hang up the end user during a call, and the target of the disconnection function must be the call that passes through the dispatch server.
5 reprints
The number and interval of redialing can be set on the console. When a call fails, the console will automatically redial the call, and manual stopping is allowed during the redialing process.
Number 6, call one
Dispatch users can configure multiple contact phone numbers such as office number, mobile phone number, and home number. The control panel can make strong calls to dispatch users who have already configured multiple numbers, and there are two ways to make strong calls: round robin and same jitter. After the previous phone number failed to call, the wheel vibration will start calling the next number. Wheel vibration means calling all numbers under the scheduling user simultaneously.
7 roll call
The console supports selecting multiple scheduling users for roll call and initiating calls to them simultaneously. The roll call ends after the called scheduling user answers off the hook, and manual stopping is allowed during the roll call process.
On the control panel, call records can be queried based on conditions to obtain roll call results. If the called phone successfully answers when it is off hook normally, the call will be successful. If the called phone does not answer or the call fails, the call will be unsuccessful.
8 polling
On the control panel, it is supported to select several scheduling users for polling calls. The selected users ring in the order of selection, the previous phone number rings, the call is off hook, and the next number is called again until all calls are completed. The polling process console allows manual stopping.
9 groups of calls
The system allows various types of communication terminals to be grouped into a fixed group, and the console can initiate a group call to add all scheduled users within the group to a designated meeting. During the group call process, it is allowed to manually stop the group call.
The group call method is divided into simultaneous call and sequential call. Simultaneous calling refers to initiating calls to members within a group simultaneously, while sequential calling refers to calling one member after another in order, with the next member being called only after the previous call is successful or failed.
10 Choice Calls
The console supports selecting several scheduling users to initiate selective calling, and the selective calling function is to add the selected users to the specified meeting. During the selective calling process, it is allowed to manually stop the selective calling.
The selective calling method is divided into simultaneous calling and sequential calling. Simultaneous call refers to initiating calls to selected scheduling users simultaneously, while sequential call refers to calling one member after another in order, with the next member being called only after the previous call is successful or failed.
11 Broadcasting
The call broadcast function supports automatic timing and manual control. The broadcast content can be real-time speech content or pre recorded voice files for call broadcasting. The calling user can only listen and cannot speak. During the call broadcast process, it is allowed to manually stop the broadcast.
The call broadcast can set the number of call redials, and the call broadcast record can be queried on the console. If the broadcasted phone answers normally, the broadcast is successful. If the broadcasted phone does not answer or the call fails, the broadcast fails.
Maintain 12
During the conversation between both parties, the control panel allows the call to be held and plays a hold tone for both parties. On the contrary, the control panel allows the user who has been held to be released from holding and establish a two-way call with the agent.
13 Transfer
The control panel allows any call to be transferred to another control panel or communication terminal for answering, and the call transfer method does not require prior notification to the recipient.
14 Transfer
Call forwarding is similar to call forwarding, which transfers a call to another console or communication terminal for answering. The difference is that the call forwarding function requires the agent to first consult with the recipient about whether to answer the call while maintaining the original call, and then transfer the call after obtaining the recipient's consent.
15 queues
During a call on the control panel, when there is a new call, the scheduling interface will display a prompt message and automatically enter the queue, while listening to waiting music. Agents can view the queue, which means they can answer calls according to the queue sequence or selectively answer any call with priority.
16 Emergency Call
The same control panel group can have two numbers, one for regular incoming calls and the other for emergency calls. Dispatch users can dial the emergency number in case of emergency, and emergency calls will be prioritized in the call queue. The control panel will handle them according to the emergency call process.
17 replies
The response function allows the agent to selectively answer incoming calls in the call queue, enabling both the incoming user and the agent to communicate.
18 group answers
When multiple incoming calls enter the queue, the console can add all incoming calls to one meeting.
19 unmanned operation
When the control panel is configured with a duty phone and the unmanned function is not connected or manually enabled, incoming calls will be automatically assigned to the duty phone.
20 Status Check
The agent can view the phone status of all communication terminals and which participants are in the conversation on the control panel. The phone status is divided into offline, idle, ringing, incoming call, call, hold, conference, etc.
21 Strong Insertion
The dispatch extension is in a call, and the control panel is forcibly inserted into the original two-way or multi-party call, forming a multi-party call without affecting the original two parties in the call. If the call is forcibly inserted into the console, the operation permission will be determined based on the priority of the console.
During the call force insertion process, the console hangs up and ends the call without affecting the original two-way communication.
22 forced demolition
The dispatch extension is in a call, and if the control panel forcibly disconnects the original two party or multi-party call, the original call will be cut off and a call will be made with the forcibly disconnected party, causing the other party to hang up. If it is a call to forcefully dismantle the control panel, the operation permission will be determined based on the priority of the control panel.
During the process of forcibly disconnecting the call, the control panel hung up to end the call, and the dispatch extension that was forcibly disconnected was also hung up.
23 Monitoring
The dispatch extension is in a call, and the control panel is monitoring the original two or more parties' call. While monitoring, both parties are unaware of the call. If the console is monitoring the call, the monitoring will determine the operation permission based on the priority of the console.
During the call monitoring process, if the console hangs up and ends the call, it will not affect the original conversation between the two parties.
24 call recording
The console supports the full recording function of all voice scheduling, as well as the search, listening, and management functions of recording files.
25 call records
On the console, you can view local call records, filter call records based on call type, time, object, result, and other conditions, and provide management functions for call records. You can also select a number in the record to make a call and export the query results.
26 Blacklist function
The console allows illegal terminal numbers to be blacklisted, and blacklisted users will not be able to dial in scheduling access numbers. The console provides blacklist management function.
27 Permission Management
The console supports permission group management function, which allows setting the scheduling permissions that permission groups can have and the permissions to view scheduling groups. Set the seat association with a permission group on the console, which allows each seat to have scheduling permissions and the ability to view scheduling groups.
The control panel can set the priority level of seats. The higher priority control panel can schedule the lower priority control panel, while the lower priority control panel cannot schedule the higher priority control panel. Control panels with the same scheduling priority are not allowed to schedule each other.
28 Address Book Management
Scheduling member data is entered by grouping, supporting import and export from Excel, and supporting addition, modification, and deletion. The classification of groups supports multi-level arrangement, and supports adding, modifying, and deleting. Dispatcher data is entered by dispatch group and supports addition, modification, and deletion.
The address book data supports both user list display and user icon display, and can initiate scheduling functions such as calls, group calls, meetings, etc. from the address book.
The address book supports querying and displaying based on name, number, and department. Support freely setting the display order of departments, members within departments, and dispatchers.
29 multi-level scheduling
The system supports multiple console groups, which can be connected to multiple consoles. Multiple consoles can schedule the same batch of extensions or their own extensions without interfering with each other.
The console supports multi-level scheduling permission control, with higher-level consoles being able to schedule lower level consoles as well as skip level scheduling. The control panel manages the relevant dispatch extensions within its jurisdiction based on permissions.
30 voice conference control
Create Meeting
The console supports creating immediate meetings, specifying meeting names, meeting numbers, and other information.
leave the chair
The console supports manually ending a created meeting, where all members are hung up during the meeting.
Meeting modifications
The console supports modifying the properties of created meetings.
Meeting Lock
The console supports locking and unlocking operations for created meetings. After the meeting is locked, if one of the meeting members drops off, the meeting will automatically follow up and join the meeting to continue the call after the call is successful.
Meeting recording
The console supports automatic recording of the entire conference process.
Conference Broadcast
The console supports broadcasting pre recorded voice files to members during the meeting.
Members are prohibited from speaking or speaking
The console can control meeting members to prohibit or allow speaking.
Join the meeting
The console can add any communication terminal from the address book to a designated meeting.
Members kicked out
The console can kick meeting members out of the meeting or kick all members out.
Individual call
The control panel allows for individual communication with a conference member during a meeting, and after the communication is completed, the individual communication can be cancelled and returned to the meeting.
Raise your hand to speak
When a conference member is prohibited from speaking, the member terminal can apply to the console for permission to speak by pressing a button.

Created on:2024-08-30 17:08