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Multimedia Command and Dispatch System Based on Positioning and Navigation Information

Multimedia Command and Dispatch System Based on Positioning and Navigation Information

1.                      summary

In the past, traditional dispatching systems mainly referred to telephone dispatching systems, and the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and the Ministry of Electric Power have their own standards for dispatching machines to be connected to the network. With the popularization and application of IP phones, most of the current scheduling systems have shifted to soft switches, which can generally be interconnected with clusters, shortwave, GSM/CDMA, satellite phones, etc. Advanced systems also include video command, video surveillance, video conferencing and other video linkage content, as well as simple map display functions. However, they have not fully added location information to communication and command resources, and fully utilized the functions of GIS systems and audio and video command scheduling systems according to certain rules.

In some GIS based application systems, such as digital urban management, public security three in one alarm system, 120 emergency system, etc., most of them have added digital communication methods. However, as it is a system that mainly relies on public network communication, although it can fully utilize the advantages of various communication resources through certain technical means, it is not a specialized scheduling system that can schedule various public communication resources, such as not being able to timely know the status of various communication terminals (such as whether mobile phones and fixed lines are in a call, etc.), and cannot have scheduling functions such as forced disconnection, forced insertion, monitoring, broadcasting, intercom like professional scheduling machines.

In addition, many audio and video command systems nowadays simply use video conferencing systems for modification, but video conferencing systems are generally based on IP communication systems. In order to maintain lip shape and voice synchronization, delays are forcibly added, and command systems sometimes require strong real-time performance, with voice and image being counted as the first to arrive! In military command, aircraft and missiles are high-speed targets. Emergency response in civilian areas such as high-speed trains, subways, and civil aviation aircraft, as well as in places with sudden information such as fires, earthquakes, and water conservancy, requires urgent communication with communication terminals.

So our multimedia command and dispatch system based on location and navigation information fully considers the advantages and disadvantages of these systems, providing specialized multimedia dispatch systems for industries such as digital military camps and smart cities. Fully utilize the technological advantages in both fields and develop some updated application technologies. The most prominent features include various information fusion and linkage processing, increased types of event triggers, enhanced emergency response capabilities, full integration and utilization of location information (including Beidou, GPS, radar data, ADS (aviation automatic monitoring data) data, RFID location data, base station positioning information, etc.), generation of navigation data, and continuous navigation capabilities.

Introduction to the functions of multimedia scheduling system1)     

Digital Time Division Switching and Ethernet Switching

Adopting advanced digital time-division switching technology, it has a 4096 × 4096 all digital switching network. Simultaneously supporting 100/1000M Ethernet switching. Due to the simultaneous support of circuit switching and IP switching, a solid foundation has been laid for the system to support various circuit services, IP services, and gateway services.

2.                      User Permissions

Users can individually set attributes such as restricted incoming calls, restricted outgoing calls, restricted dialing numbers, and restricted outgoing calls outside the group.

3.                      System cascading

The capacity of the subsystem is fully sufficient for the vast majority of station communication. For some stations with larger capacity, the main system can be used, while for some large stations, multiple systems can be cascaded to complete station communication with high capacity requirements. The cascaded system is not affected in terms of business, functionality, and maintenance management.

4.                      Compatible with existing scheduling system functions

The system is compatible with both existing digital scheduling system functions and existing analog scheduling system functions. At the same time, the system also provides various analog interfaces for direct access to analog scheduling mainboards, analog scheduling extensions, analog scheduling loops, and other analog devices.

5.                      Emergency phone number

When a certain phone is set as an emergency phone (priority user) to call the dispatch desk or the subsystem duty desk, the dispatch desk and the subsystem duty desk do not need to answer. The call path has already been connected, and the emergency phone and the dispatch desk or the subsystem duty desk can directly communicate.

6.                      Emergency call

When the dispatch console (subsystem duty console) initiates an emergency call, the dispatcher can first press the emergency call button and then press the corresponding button to increase the level of the call. At this point, for low-level calls, strong insertion and disconnection can be achieved.

7.                      Centralized management and remote maintenance

The system can be equipped with a network management terminal in the main system, which can be connected to the system backend through RS232 serial port to achieve centralized management and remote maintenance of the main system and all subsystems of the entire line. The network management subsystem has powerful functions, covering four major functions: performance management, fault management, configuration management, and security management. For specific descriptions, please refer to the introduction of the network management subsystem.

8.                      Recording function

The system can provide a recording server by configuring a high-capacity disk array recording server and using array storage. Users can enter the recording system based on their password and play, retrieve, and dump voice data according to their permissions.

9.                      Meeting function

The system is equipped with rich multi-party meeting circuits for dispatchers and duty officers to organize multi-party meetings.

Functional Features

The multimedia command and dispatch system based on location and navigation information not only implements traditional video, voice and other dispatch functions, but also realizes the location positioning and navigation functions of various dispatch terminals. It can real-time grasp the geographic location, movement trajectory and other information of each dispatch terminal on the GIS platform;

u                      Support the switching and scheduling functions of fixed line and IP phones;

Fully support wireless analog and digital cluster system scheduling. Can support scheduling wireless cluster communication systems such as TETRA, GOTA, MPT1327, etc;

u                      Supports 3G/4G WiFi and WiMax wireless cluster communication methods;

u                      Explosion proof wireless communication terminals WIFI phones, PHS, and wireless cluster terminals that support various mining and oilfield applications;

Video scheduling function: supports video alarms, video image and alarm phone linkage, video conferencing, video recording and playback. All video terminals support voice intercom and on-site voice monitoring;

u                      Support video terminal supports 3G network transmission, making it convenient for video capture and monitoring in mobile environments and environments where IP lines cannot be deployed.

System diagram


Created on:2024-09-02 16:59