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IDM Forest Fire Prevention Intelligent Emergency Command System Solution

IDM Forest Fire Prevention Intelligent Emergency Command System Solution

1.                      Background of System Construction

u       1.1 Construction Background

With the continuous development of forest protection and forestry construction, the area of forest land and forestry stock have been increasing year by year, and the task of fire prevention is becoming increasingly difficult. Forest fires are one of the important disasters in forestry. Forest fires have the characteristics of suddenness, randomness in disaster occurrence, and the ability to cause huge losses in a short period of time. Therefore, once a fire alarm occurs, firefighting measures must be taken at an extremely fast pace. Whether the firefighting is timely and the decision-making is appropriate largely depends on whether the detection of forest fire behavior is timely, whether the analysis is accurate and reasonable, and whether the decision-making measures are appropriate.

Adhere to the policy of "active prevention, early detection, early deployment, and early eradication", and achieve early detection and early resolution. It is an inevitable trend for forest fire management and development to adopt advanced technologies such as Internet, big data, Internet of Things and visualization, and use high-tech means to strengthen forest fire prevention work, make decisions and command and dispatch in the shortest time, so as to win valuable time for forest fire fighting and minimize losses.

u       1.2 Current Requirements

1. Cooperate with GIS, remote sensing, Internet of Things, big data and other technologies to achieve real-time, all-weather, and all terrain visualization big data monitoring capabilities

2. Intelligent video surveillance and structured analysis, reporting fire incidents in the first time, and reporting and collecting evidence for illegal events in the first time.

3. Quickly dispatch personnel for on-site disposal, using multiple methods such as wireless, wired, APP, mobile phone, and wearable terminals for dispatch and command.

4. Intelligent patrol inspection, normalized and standardized maintenance of fire prevention facilities

5. Establish a high-pressure situation against illegal and irregular operations, and create a deterrent force

2.                      The main components of the fire emergency command system

u       2.1 Main components of fire emergency command system

Scientific and information-based decision analysis

 Improve fire hazard level prediction

 Fire damage assessment

Daily fire management

Fire remote sensing and IoT monitoring

GIS visualization of fire prevention big data analysis and situational analysis

Daily inspection and management during fire prevention period

Adopting advanced modern information technology to communicate in real-time with inspection personnel

Intelligent patrol and inspection system, video surveillance, and structured analysis

Establish an efficient, reliable, and practical forest fire IoT monitoring and early warning system

Emergency command and dispatch during and after disasters

Establish an efficient, reliable, and practical emergency command and dispatch system with diverse, intelligent, and automated means

 Able to quickly identify the fire situation, analyze the fire intensity, scientifically formulate firefighting plans, and dispatch on-site firefighting forces.

3.                      GIS Fire Emergency Map





u       3.1. Establish a 3D model of the forest area using satellite remote sensing and drone photography;

u       3.2. Enter satellite remote sensing data of forest areas;

u       3.3. Analyze the changes year by year through satellite remote sensing data.

3.3.1 GIS Fire Emergency Map - Environmental Data Information Displayimg5

3.3.2 GIS Fire Emergency Map - Typical Applications

Forest Resource Information Management

Forest resource spatial information query, editing, and integrated database management of spatial attributes, including basic data such as administrative divisions, water systems and rivers, transportation roads, fire brigades, forest resources, and fire prevention facilities;

Layer management (roads, grids, units, cameras, police forces, patrol vehicle/person positions and trajectories, fire protection facilities, fire water sources...)

Map data, statistical data input, editing, output, printing;

Query the distribution of cases by region, date, time, and other criteria.

3D map

Build a fully three-dimensional scene for forest management personnel to manage normally and for command personnel to intuitively command and dispatch during fires.

Visual monitoring of all time, all weather, and all terrain conditions

IoT monitoring: including seven meteorological elements in forest areas (temperature, humidity, wind direction, wind speed, air pressure, rainfall, light intensity), and monitoring of fire protection facilities in forest areas;

Video surveillance: video surveillance during key periods and areas, as well as real-time mobile video surveillance during firefighting;

Positioning and trajectory information: forest ranger inspection positioning, vehicle positioning, firefighter positioning, and fire point positioning, etc.

Real time command

Realize comprehensive information interaction among the command center, frontline command post, and firefighting team, including audio, video, location information, IoT data information, etc;

Fire scene analysis: The system analyzes the spread and development of the fire scene in the next few hours based on factors such as wind direction, wind speed, vegetation, slope direction, and gradient, providing reference for command personnel;

Quickly locate the location of the alarm person, quickly retrieve real-time images from surrounding monitoring, automatically forward them to the nearest fire police force, generate the best response path, and dispatch drones for confirmation;

Query the geographical location and operation trajectory of attendance fire alarms, make voice/video calls with the front-end, and view real-time law enforcement videos;

Deductive demonstration: Analyze firefighting routes, annotate travel trajectories, and generate targeted firefighting plans. Based on the deduction of the fire situation on the map, real-time command and dispatch of vehicles and personnel.

4.                      Fire emergency fusion communication system



Emergency Fusion Communication

u       4.1 Problems in Forest Fire Prevention Dispatch Communication

Communication blind spot: There are many institutional departments and large organizations, generally distributed in districts, counties, and towns, which cannot effectively dispatch communication across the entire network.

Communication security and reliability: Traditional 150M/350M analog intercoms have limited frequency bands, are easily monitored, and only support voice communication. When using forest fire prevention applications, there is often a lack of 3G/4G signal from mobile phones, and communication methods are limited;

Unable to adapt to new business needs: With the rapid development of the industry, the communication tools currently used are far from meeting the needs of current business work, such as mobile approval, forest protection, patrol, communication, evidence collection, etc.

Poor portability: Staff need to be equipped with multiple devices, such as telephones and walkie talkies, which are inconvenient for daily work due to the large number of devices.

It requires integrated communication, flexible networking, stable and reliable support for various information transmission and interaction such as voice, video, and positioning.img7

Characteristics of IDM WL-TALKie wireless inspection intercom terminal

 Provide voice intercom function, press the button to speak and record, release the button to send the voice out through WIFI or LORA channel (the sending channel is selected by the system settings).

 Supports automatic playback of recordings, which can be played through headphones or speakers.

 It has recording storage function, and can choose to replay the voice. When the data area is full, it automatically deletes early reception records. Capable of storing 24 transmitted sounds and 24 received sounds; Each piece lasts up to 60 seconds. (Supports expanding SD card)

 The recording is indicated by a time progress bar. The progress bar can be shared among recording, receiving, and sending progress displays.

 Supports 8 one click alarm functions, which can respectively identify 8 alarm levels or alarm test buttons. (LCD touch screen) (The meaning of the alarm function is defined in the system platform)

 Supports 8 LED alarm indicators, each representing 8 levels of alarm information. (It can also be 8 color blocks on the LCD) (The meaning of the alarm function is defined in the system platform)

 On the terminal display screen, command commands issued by superiors can be displayed. The maximum length is 140 characters, approximately 70 Chinese characters

 The display screen shows the heartbeat status of the device connection, and the heartbeat interval can be set in seconds;

 There is a signal strength level indicator on the display screen

 There are progress indicators for sending and receiving signal voice packets on the display screen

 There are the last 5 instructions for receiving voice packets on the display screen, click to listen again

 There are 4 intercom groups displayed on the screen, and the terminal can choose to join a certain intercom group

 There is a list of members in the current intercom group on the display screen (which can be flipped to view)

 The display screen shows the name of the intercom user who received the voice packet. Users can choose point-to-point intercom, or one to many intercom when not selected;

 All intercom information can be shared through WIFI and voice communication on mobile apps;

 Through the mobile app, the location of each terminal on the map can be displayed. When combined with the mobile app, this terminal acts as a LORA-WIFI gateway;

 The voice message contains the current BD/GPS location information

 All configurations on the terminal can be connected to the mobile app via WIFI, and after completing the settings, they can be downloaded to the terminal via an over the air link

 There is switch information displayed on the screen to save battery life

 Wireless LORA channel parameters: open range of 10KM transmission distance, wireless security key technology, spread spectrum technology, 230M/430M self-organizing relay network

21 Wireless WIFI channel parameters: LWIP protocol, AP, STA, AP+STA mode, one click distribution network with 5000mAh/8000mAh batteries

22 has UHF RFID scanning function, with a scanning distance of 5m

23 has QR code recognition function

u       4.2 Emergency Fusion Communication - Fusion Scheduling




u       4.3 Fire Identification Video Surveillance System

Choose an integrated pan tilt camera with a monitoring distance of 5-6 kilometers for forest fire prevention, fire hazard, thermal imaging, temperature measurement, and early warning. It can scan and monitor the forest area in 360 degrees without blind spots, truly achieving 24/7 uninterrupted early warning. The system has powerful data processing and system integration capabilities, which can achieve functions such as digital image monitoring and acquisition, forest fire monitoring and alarm, remote control, etc. on one platform;

Fire recognition and alarm: The system has a built-in temperature measurement and warning module, which calculates the temperature of the target object in the field of view in real time. When there is an abnormal high temperature situation, it will give an alarm in a timely manner and link with the alarm recording to remind the on duty personnel to check the display screen and detect the fire early;

The fire situation/fire point information detected by the front-end fire prevention temperature measurement warning detection system is analyzed and calculated in the GIS fire emergency map system of the monitoring and management center, and then used for fire point positioning, fire spread analysis, disaster relief route selection, and post disaster assessment in the electronic map.

Created on:2024-09-02 17:00