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Beijing Raytrans Jiyuan Campus Network Business Requirements and Solutions

Campus communication demand analysis, campus fiber optic, campus network fiber optic, campus network fiber optic access, enterprise network, campus network


1、 Campus communication network requirements
The campus communication business needs can be roughly divided into the office OA system interconnected with the Internet, namely the campus Internet, the internal independent security system network, the ringtone of high security multi school networking, the examination system, and so on
In today's world where cybercrime is difficult to prevent, both the government and enterprises transmit some security related communications on dedicated networks. Many industries in China have their own dedicated networks, such as electricity, oil, public security, customs, national inspection, and so on.
The education private network is mainly based on regions and is gradually being planned. Firstly, campus construction, and finally, the Education Commission will connect various schools together through fiber optic cables.
1. Campus internet is connected to internet network through router, firewall, internet behavior manager, authentication server and other devices. Due to the different security levels of firewalls and the need for professional personnel to maintain them on a daily basis, some regional education commissions have connected primary and secondary schools across the country to provide unified internet access, providing unified protection in terms of firewall equipment and technical manpower.
2. The security network is an internal network independent of the campus Internet, which can be connected to the public security monitoring network. This mainly includes traditional projects such as surveillance cameras, perimeter defense, large monitoring screens, and video servers. Conditions also include parking lot management, patrol management, access control management, campus guidance display screen management, etc. More advanced systems require emergency fusion communication systems, which integrate wireless cluster intercoms, fixed telephones, mobile phones, public address broadcasting, as well as various GPS location and image information, to make contingency plans for various emergencies and respond quickly.
3. The campus remote examination network is a network with the highest security level, which can synchronize various exams initiated by the education commission, schools, etc. It is a closed internal network system. It mainly includes campus radio ringtone system (which can also play music such as radio gymnastics), examination room audio and video playback system, examination room monitoring system, and so on. It is possible to share the camera with daily teaching recording and broadcasting systems, but physical interface switching must be done to ensure that the two networks are not connected to each other.




2、 Campus Internet
The campus Internet can make full use of various information on the Internet, the national information network, the education network, and the national college Internet to realize resource sharing, provide students in this campus with rich multimedia teaching means, and achieve high-quality and efficient teaching goals.
The network should achieve the following functions:
Access the Internet
Accessing virtual networks
Campus website establishment
distance learning
VOD (Video on Demand)
Network Security Management
Email and electronic announcements
computer assisted instruction
Teacher's lesson preparation function
External communication
Campus Management Platform
Information Resource Library
WIFI coverage in key areas of campus
3、 Campus security system
Due to the fact that school cameras are installed in batches and may have multiple brands in the security system, a hardware platform that integrates and manages hardware from multiple manufacturers should be selected.
Covering three institutions in the network structure: the supervisory department, the public security department, and the school.
In terms of performance, achieve high-definition monitoring integration of access control, boundary alarm, broadcasting, patrol system, etc., and achieve multi-party linkage. And integrate multiple communication terminals to achieve smooth command and timely processing.
Experiments have shown that when a person stares at a surveillance screen for 22 minutes, they will turn a blind eye to 95% of the area in the screen. So it is necessary to use a combination of image processing software and other technical means for alarm detection.
The main functions of the security system include:
Image integration and storage function; Integrate different manufacturers and technologies.
Real time monitoring function;
Data transmission function; Including the transmission of voice, data, and images.
Management functions of various terminals; Timely grasp the working status of the terminal.
Electronic map display.
Alarm linkage; Combining various technological means.
Patrol management;
Emergency plan and command dispatch.
4、 Campus Remote Examination Network
School is a place where learning and exams are constantly taking place. It not only has daily exams and tests for students, but also serves as a venue for various vocational exams organized by the state. With the advancement of network technology, there will be more and more remote online exams, so the construction of examination rooms is increasingly being valued.
Due to the fair and reasonable distribution of interests involving multiple parties, the remote examination room management system is a highly confidential system and cannot be interconnected with the Internet. Fairness and reasonableness must be maintained.
Network unified clock system to ensure unified network timing;
Unified ringtone system to ensure unified exam time for candidates in the examination area.
The examination room sound monitoring system ensures clear speech in the examination room.
The examination room audio and video playback system plays all audio and video in the examination area uniformly.
The recording and playback of audio and video surveillance in the examination room ensures the fairness of examination discipline.
The examination room identification system ensures the legal identity of candidates, invigilators, and staff present.
5、 Planning of Campus Fiber Optic Communication Network
1. For the campus Internet, as the school is the place where information points are highly concentrated, it is better to use Ethernet switches with optical transmission interfaces of various specifications, such as four power and one light, eight power and one light, or multiple optical ports, which is convenient for cascading use. Due to the lower cost and smaller size of fiber optic cables compared to copper cables, it is recommended to use fiber optic cables to connect to the user's desktop and save the length of twisted pair cables.
Use an Ethernet switch with full fiber interface at the central access end, and then connect to the core switch uniformly.
Redundant dual network backup is used from the core switch to important nodes.
Ruiguang Jiyuan Company provides full fiber Ethernet switches for the central and intermediate nodes, and offers gigabit fiber access switches with and without POE function, as well as 100Mbps fiber access Ethernet switches at the remote end.
The Ethernet switch with gigabit optical ports has 2 or 3 optical ports, which can form a chain network and a tree network.
Among them, the IDM POE-M08plus product has 3 SFP gigabit optical ports and 8 100Mbps electrical ports, as well as an optional 4-port (RS232 or RS485) serial server or 2-channel IP voice phone.




2. The most important thing for campus security network is to ensure the security of the fiber optic communication network itself. Nowadays, high-definition monitoring requires increased bandwidth. Therefore, a fiber optic bandwidth of 2.5G with two physically isolated gigabit Ethernet and ring network devices is selected. The central end of the device can be configured with an emergency command and dispatch equipment IDM M3000 that can integrate wireless cluster communication, fixed telephones, and perimeter defense data access (do not insert the dispatch panel when the dispatch function is not needed).
The IDM M3000 device is a 19 inch 2U scheduling machine,
The IDM M3000 provides access to a set of 2.5G fiber optic ring network devices (IDM GTD442) through the IDM 120N-GP CD. The device offers 2 sets of physically isolated Gigabit Ethernet and 4 telephones, and can also be plugged into a serial service area socket to connect various monitoring devices. A gigabit ring network can accommodate many high-definition cameras.
It can provide the exchange and scheduling of 90 phone calls, with 10 calls per dial;
It can also provide communication for wireless cluster walkie talkies, with each panel providing 4 cluster interfaces, such as security cluster and logistics maintenance cluster.
It can also provide 100Mbps optical port access for remote Ethernet and telephone, which provides IDM NTD421 network access through 3U-MPconv disks, with 4 optical ports per disk.



The above system can also add information such as boundary alarms and access control.
Of course, this network can also be implemented using fiber optic Ethernet switches, but with the introduction of IP telephone gateways and radio gateways.
3. For remote ringtone systems and exam websites
Mainly includes:
Campus radio ringtone system (can also play radio gymnastics and other music on a regular basis);
Exam room audio and video playback system;
Exam room monitoring system;
Video conferencing systems can also be used for remote interactive education;
There are cameras in front and behind the classroom, and when using a shared camera for different systems, physical interface switching must be done to ensure that the two networks are not connected to each other. The cameras in the classroom can be connected to the security system.



6、 Integrated business fiber optic transmission system
The above three systems are independently built, and sometimes fiber optic cables are rented between branch campuses. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the full utilization of fiber optic cables. Even if there are two different networks in the same campus and unified classroom, different equipment will cause installation and maintenance difficulties.
Ruiguang Jiyuan Company provides devices that offer multiple physically isolated Ethernet networks on the same core fiber, equivalent to multiple fiber optic transceivers or switches. Simplified communication connections to classrooms and offices.

Created on:2024-09-04 17:42