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Regional education dedicated network fiber optic high bandwidth transmission system

Education Private Network Fiber Optic Transmission System, Education Fiber Optic Transmission System, Education Private Network High Broadband Transmission System, School to School Fiber Optic Transmission System


China currently attaches great importance to the construction of educational informatization, and the construction of class to class and school to school communication has been underway for some time! The distance education function of 'school to school connectivity' can narrow the gap in education levels between urban and rural areas. It is an effective means of using information technology to improve the quality of primary and secondary education in the province, especially in remote areas. It is conducive to achieving the sharing of educational resources, exchanging information, cultivating teachers, and improving teaching levels.
The construction of the school to school metropolitan area network and the education backbone network involves the construction of a wide area network. The construction of the education metropolitan area network and the education backbone network can use gateway devices such as routers and layer 3 switches to complete star networking, some even use RPR technology to complete ring networking, or use transmission equipment or WDM equipment for ring networking. These devices are expensive, difficult to maintain, have few functions, and require high communication talents, which hinders the performance of the education network.
This article proposes the establishment of a comprehensive regional education private network communication system, which can simultaneously solve the school's external network (internet), internal network (including examination resource network, synchronous teaching network, video conferencing network, monitoring network, etc.), telephone exchange network, one card Internet of Things, and so on.
Due to the large amount of video transmission content, the education private network requires a relatively large transmission bandwidth. Therefore, it should mainly rent bare fiber optic cables from operators such as China Unicom, China Mobile, China Telecom, and Radio and Television. In places where conditions are not available, STM-1 channels should be rented or microwave STM-1 channels should be used. These channels can be divided into multiple physically isolated Ethernet channels, and the content transmitted within the examination network requires high confidentiality. Other platforms such as synchronous teaching networks require higher transmission quality. Running the One Card information on an independent dedicated network can better ensure information security. Therefore, several independent physically isolated networks are needed to ensure the information security of the education private network, especially in situations where there is no dedicated communication technology personnel to guarantee it.
For the Internet network information provided by schools to the outside world, all schools can use the external network interface at the Education Bureau. This not only enables unified access to broadband operators as major customers, but also allows for regular adjustment of their access bandwidth based on the operator's bandwidth quotation. Multiple operators can access the network simultaneously, and it can also prevent the risk of sudden traffic reduction in a certain operator's network. At the same time, unified external network exports can also concentrate funds to purchase more advanced routers and firewalls, enhance bandwidth throughput and other performance, and improve system security. Unify the establishment of an external access computer room in the Education Bureau, which also facilitates access to the higher-level education private network, enhances the rational utilization of educational resources throughout the province, and can also be used as a major customer to purchase advanced educational resources for unified use by various schools.
The education private network can not only transmit various network information, but also consolidate the telephone information of various schools to the education bureau as a unified access operator for major customers, usually connecting to two operators for mutual backup. In this way, the school can take the initiative in accessing telephone resources, making installation more convenient. At the same time, it can also integrate other communication resources such as wireless clusters for daily management and supervision, as well as remote supervision and command of examination rooms.
At present, Ruiguang Jiyuan can provide comprehensive service transmission on bare fiber with 5GE and 2.5G bandwidth, and provide information transmission with 622M and 155M bandwidths on SDH channels (wired or microwave). Capable of providing multiple physically isolated Ethernet channels, E1 channels, telephone channels, low latency and high-definition image signals simultaneously.
Not only can information transmission between schools be conveniently achieved, but various information can also be easily accessed to the application site through fiber optics within the school. It is also possible to establish a school level communication dispatch center in schools.
The inter school networking structure is as follows:



The campus network structure is as follows:




Created on:2024-09-04 17:53