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Beijing Raytrans Jiyuan Smart Education System Solution

Smart Education Solution, Smart Classroom Solution, Smart Education System Solution, Smart Education System Solution, Smart Education Solution


Analysis of Smart Education Needs
Constructing a regional education resource and management platform: enhancing the sharing of courseware, test questions, and other resources between schools and regions, and improving the level of informationization in regional education management;
Promote the application level of smart classrooms and digital campuses, realizing functions such as interaction, recording, and convenient access to courseware between teachers and students; Enhance teachers' level of information technology application;
Combining theory with practice, establish a scientific and standardized infrastructure standard system, and apply it to the construction of information hardware environments such as educational network coverage, equipment, classrooms, etc. in regions and schools.
By introducing cloud computing technology, flexible allocation of hardware resources can be achieved, maximizing resource utilization and reducing hardware construction and maintenance costs.
2. Design of Smart Education System
2.1 Overall Architecture of Smart Education



The smart education system includes network construction, data centers, operation platforms, education systems, courseware content, learning terminals, consulting services, etc. Ruiguang Jiyuan provides vertical industry solutions based on the needs of customers in different industries, providing customized solutions for customers in basic education, higher education, corporate education, and vocational education.
2.2 Design of Smart Education Subsystem
2.2.1 Unified Network Access Subsystem for Campus and Education Commission
At present, most of the information construction in schools is focused on digital campuses, which are connected to social networks based on the campus. This not only brings a lot of daily management work and high costs to the school, but also has some limitations in inter school cooperation, unified management by the education commission, and the function of the education private network. Therefore, the construction of regional based education fiber optic private networks will be able to exert greater advantages. By integrating excellent educational resources online, we can fully compensate for the lack of educational resources in peripheral schools.
The education fiber optic private network we recommend connects various schools together through 2.5G fiber optic cables, providing multiple physically isolated Ethernet channels. The reason for choosing 2.5G transmission bandwidth is that the transmission distance at this rate can generally reach 80KM without an optical amplifier, while using 5G or even higher bandwidth fiber optic can only transmit a few kilometers. It is difficult to transmit multiple physically isolated gigabit networks with other lower rates. Therefore, 2.5G fiber optic is the best choice for remote transmission.
Place central end equipment in the education bureau or information center to provide unified interfaces from various schools to operators and higher-level education management institutions. The advantages are as follows: 1. As a unified broadband operator for major customers, it fully introduces competition, allowing teachers and students to have multiple choices and obtain greater profits; 2. Avoid disorderly competition caused by repeated construction by multiple campus owners; 3. The school Internet has a unified interface, which can facilitate big data processing, public opinion monitoring, online behavior management, etc. in the education industry; 4. Unified access to school phone numbers, unified image, and internal control of expanding the number of extensions; 5. A sufficiently large external bandwidth can access more private network services.
The Education Bureau or Information Center adopts Ruiguang Extreme Far IDM MSAP-CP equipment as the core exchange and aggregation device. Our company's IDM NT421 or IDM GTD442 terminal devices can be installed on office floors, student dormitories, and teaching buildings.
A 2.5G fiber optic cable can transmit 2 Gigabit Ethernet cables, 4 100Mbps Ethernet cables, and 24 E1 channels. A gigabit network is mainly used for operator internet access, for teachers and students to access the internet, IPTV, important place monitoring to be released to the society, and so on. Another gigabit network can be used for video conferencing, video recording, video surveillance uploading, and more. The other four 100Mbps networks can be used for inter school internal network transmission, such as financial network, examination dedicated network, education dedicated network, management dedicated network, etc. The E1 interface can be used for telephone access, high fidelity audio transmission, digital ringtone broadcasting, and so on.
There are various ways for multiple operators to access, one of which is to use multi interface routers and configure interface strategies based on factors such as network speed and price; Another approach is to provide only the desired network operator access based on the needs of teachers and students, and directly connect the channel to the computer.
Each school can purchase a high-end firewall for connecting to the Internet, which requires a significant amount of funding and specialized maintenance compared to purchasing it separately for each school. Information Center Convergence Access
The main functions are as follows:
1) Provide local telephone internal exchange to enable free dialing between small accounts within the campus and between schools;
2) Provide relay access to the telephone exchange networks of operators such as China Unicom, China Mobile, and China Telecom to enable external calling on campus;
3) Provide access to Ethernet services with telecom operators such as China Unicom, China Mobile, and China Telecom, and isolate the internal and external networks through Ethernet firewalls to ensure information security;
4) Provided a telephone relay interface that can be connected to the telephone network of the Education Commission or other cooperating universities, achieving telephone interconnection among all units;
5) Provided a data interface for broadcasting and television IPTV, which can access broadcasting and television IPTV signals and provide television services to teaching and office buildings;
6) Provide remote meter reading data processing function, which can centrally manage the meter reading data of water, electricity and gas in office buildings;
7) Provide video monitoring and conference functions, centralized call and monitoring of remote network video signals at the central end, and video conference can be conducted at the same time;
8) Can install scheduling servers and amplification broadcast servers, etc., to achieve additional functions on the basis of meeting the basic comprehensive business fiber optic access of customers, supporting campus multimedia scheduling and amplification broadcast functions;
9) The central end has reserved a secondary development interface for the smart campus, which is connected to the school's electronic fence, parking lot monitoring, park one card, and centralized access to multimedia information such as park advertising through fiber optics. Fiber optic access to teaching buildings and office terminals
The teaching building and office are nodes for installing terminal access equipment, providing users with direct broadband, telephone, IPTV TV, and remote meter reading data interfaces, using our company's IDM NTD421 terminal equipment. According to the needs of end users, one NTD421 terminal can be installed in each office and several NTD421 devices can be installed on each floor to meet the business requirements of each office and floor.
This terminal provides the following functions:
1) Provide telephone interface for direct access to office telephones;
2) Provide network interfaces that can directly connect to users' internet devices, such as computers, routers, etc;
3) Provide network interface, which can be connected to IPTV set-top box and provide network TV function;
4) Provide a network interface that can be connected to network cameras to upload video surveillance signals from floors and important offices to the monitoring center. It can also be connected to video conferencing cameras in the office to achieve video conferencing functionality;
5) Provide remote meter reading interfaces (RS485/RS422, etc.), connect to various water, electricity, and gas instruments in the office building, and upload meter reading data to the monitoring center. Important features of fiber optic access solutions
1) Full fiber optic transmission access
The business communication from the information center communication room to schools and campuses adopts fiber optic transmission technology. This solution adopts PDH+PCM technology to achieve full coverage of high-speed fiber to the home.
2) Campus telephone internal exchange, independent operation
The communication room of the information center uses our company's IDM MSAP-G3CP equipment to directly achieve internal exchange of campus telephones. There can be independent operation of telephone services by campus virtual operators, providing free internal telephone services to the campus.
At the same time, the device provides E1 digital relay interface or FXO analog relay interface, which can be connected to the operator's telephone exchange network and the telephone systems of the Education Commission and other sister colleges, achieving telephone interconnection and intercommunication.
3) Implement isolation between internal and external networks
The core equipment IDM MSAP-G3CP in the central computer room adopts TDM technology, and all Ethernet network channels provide physical isolation channels to achieve isolation between internal and external networks and ensure information security.
2.2.2 Campus Security Monitoring Subsystem Overall Function
The entire system requires the use of an intelligent network management platform to achieve unified management of devices and user permissions across the entire network. Automatic equipment batch configuration, automatic fault alarm and location management, real-time image switching display, historical image playback, front-end camera control, system alarm, data storage backup and other functions. Real time image display switching function
Supports three video display modes: client, IE browser, and splicing screen display. Supports single screen, multi screen, and full screen display modes. Each screen can choose to browse real-time images from any video source;
The system has an automatic image rotation function, which can display monitoring images alternately using a pre-set trigger sequence and time interval. The images participating in the rotation can be displayed in a specified window in a rotating manner, and the order of rotation can be freely selected;
In addition to displaying on-site video information, it is also possible to overlay corresponding video location, time, alarm signs, and other information on the video screen. You can edit the identification characters of a certain video, automatically overlay time information, and flexibly set the position of the characters displayed on the image;
The position information of the camera can be associated with the electronic map, supporting the dual screen function of one camera, and displaying both video information and electronic map information simultaneously;
The system should have image capture function, which can capture and save the video played in a certain monitoring window as a picture file. The format of the image file must be standard formats such as JPEG, BMP, or GIF, making it easy to browse using image browsing tools on the Windows system;
When browsing video images in real-time or replaying historical images through a video client, it is convenient to zoom in and out of the images, and support full screen display of all images. Front end camera control function
The monitoring centers at all levels of the system can control all gimbals and cameras through professional keyboards and software keyboards provided by video clients. Can control the rotation angle of the gimbal, camera aperture size, focus level, heating switch, wiper switch, zoom level, lighting switch, etc;
The system supports users to lock and unlock the camera. If the user needs exclusive control over the gimbal for a certain period of time, they can choose to lock the camera. After the camera is locked, other users cannot seize control of the gimbal. Only the user who performs the locking operation or the administrator with unlocking permission can unlock it;
When controlling a camera simultaneously in multiple monitoring centers, priority should be given to the higher-level monitoring center;
When the camera cannot be controlled, the current controller information should be prompted;
The camera has a predetermined trajectory rotation function to comprehensively obtain on-site video information. You can set the time, preset position, and cruise trajectory for starting the camera cruise. The camera can cruise along different predetermined trajectories according to different time periods. System storage and security functions
Adopting professional IP SAN and CVR storage system technologies, supporting the SCSI protocol, providing gigabit IP interfaces, and optional 1TB, 4T, and other SATA disks of different capacities, it can achieve centralized management of digital images within the system and dynamic allocation of storage resources;
Support cache protection function with built-in battery in case of power failure, support hot swapping of disks and online replacement of faulty disks, support sequential disk power up and disk power short circuit protection during startup;
The maximum number of host connections in a SAN environment is ≥ 250, and all connection permissions are configured, supporting RAID levels such as RAID 0, 1, 5, and 10. Redundant backup space with 10% of the required capacity for long-term storage of important monitoring images.
Support graphical management software, which can manage multiple storage devices and automatic email alert functions in one management interface
The system supports configuring the storage time of historical images for each video source. When the storage time exceeds, expired historical images can be automatically deleted without the need for administrator intervention;
The system is capable of real-time monitoring of the current storage resource status of all storage devices;
The system supports setting storage plans for each video source and recording in different time periods. The time slot granularity is not greater than 30 minutes, and multiple recording time slots can be set every day. When a certain video source fails to record as planned, the system should be able to promptly report an alarm and notify the administrator to conduct corresponding fault location analysis;
The system should support local recording function. When browsing images in real-time and replaying historical images, authorized users activate the local recording function to temporarily store the images on the client's local storage medium. The client interface should be easy to control the start and stop of the local recording function. The video client can choose to play local recordings;
The system has the function of data backup, which can backup some important data for redundant storage. The system supports manual backup, and users with corresponding permissions can initiate data backup through the video client to backup data from a specific time period specified in the video source. The system also supports automatic backup strategies, which can periodically backup data from specific time periods of a specified video source. When backing up data, you can add descriptive information about the backup data. Users can perform fuzzy retrieval and query of backup data based on its description information for on-demand playback.
The storage application management unit obtains information about all video sources in the system through the network and stores it in a high-capacity storage device. The system can support a distributed cluster storage structure consisting of n computers. At the bottom of these computers' communication is our high-performance communication platform technology. Under normal operation, each storage computer is responsible for storing certain video information throughout the entire system. Firstly, we need to define storage groups, each consisting of n images. We bind a storage group to a storage server. In this way, the images of the entire system will be stored on different storage servers. The model we adopt is a comprehensive approach that combines front-end distributed recording and back-end centralized recording. The specific functions are as follows:
1) Support direct recording and backup management of remote images of the main road without real-time browsing by the central client, as well as management of various centralized storage devices, not just local hard drives.
2) It can quickly retrieve data stored in centralized storage devices and provide services.
3) Specific surveillance footage and associated data can be retrieved locally and on the client side through various methods such as lens, time, associated event, log, alarm, etc., through a web interface.
4) You can view the detailed storage location of the video, display relevant status information, and play back the video in a timely manner.
5) You can browse the corresponding monitoring files on hard drives and SAN storage devices.
6) Support video recording plan and supplementary recording. Each recording group can have its own recording plan, and the execution of the recording is based on our planning and task scheduling engine. During each recording process, the system will record the execution time of the recording. The maintenance server of the system can calculate the time period that needs to be re recorded based on the difference between the scheduled plan and the actual execution situation. The supplementary recording system will automatically download missing video information from the appropriate DVR. When the recording plan changes, the previous plan will be recorded, and the system can automatically distinguish whether the supplementary recording refers to the plan before or after the change.
7) Liquidation strategy and priority retention of video recordings. When the system detects that the storage capacity exceeds the maximum warning line specified by the system, it will start the liquidation task, which is managed by the maintenance server. The maintenance server will regularly check the condition of the disk, perform disk cleaning, automatic export and other functions. Video file retrieval and historical image playback function
The system can assist video decoders in establishing connections with storage resources, monitor client connections with storage resources, and achieve video data playback;
The system supports retrieving historical image information by combining video source identification and start and end times, and the retrieval results are displayed in the form of a list. When conducting local retrieval of historical images, the time taken from initiating the retrieval to obtaining the results should be less than 1 second, with no significant waiting time;
It has the function of simultaneously playing back multiple historical images. When replaying historical images, it supports pausing and restarting playback, and supports normal speed playback, fast playback, and slow playback of images. When playing quickly, it supports 1x speed, 2x speed, 4x speed, and 8x speed playback. When playing at slow speed, it supports playback at 1/2x speed, 1/4x speed, and 1/8x speed. Network operation and maintenance functions
Realize full monitoring of the front-end camera, encoder status, transmission lines, storage devices, back-end decoding, and management platform operation, and diagnose the quality of video images;
The management platform can automatically detect the working status of devices (encoders, decoders, video clients, storage devices) within the system, and can quickly report alarms when the devices are offline. When the device is restored to normal operation after a malfunction, it can automatically rejoin the system without changing its original configuration, and the recovery process does not require manual intervention;
Administrators can configure the parameters of encoders and decoders within the system through a centralized management interface, and perform software upgrades;
It has complete security auditing and logging functions, which can record device operation status, various alarm information, user login logs, etc.
The management server is capable of unified management of IPSAN storage resources, developing storage plans for cameras, and assisting video management clients in establishing SCSI connections with IPSAN;
Video data retrieval playback: After confirming the retrieval data of the video management client, return the retrieval results (whether there is corresponding data within the specified time period) to the video management client. The client can select data from a certain time period for playback;
The video management platform should be able to classify, group, and manage user permissions by device, effectively controlling and blocking illegal user connections to ensure data security; Permission Management Function
The platform should provide a multi-level user management architecture, with each level of user having different management permissions. Based on the granted permissions, corresponding system access and monitoring operations can be carried out to prevent illegal login and unauthorized operations;
The user level is divided into at least three levels: super administrator (with system level configuration permissions for user and device management), general administrator, and regular user. The management and operation permissions of users are at least divided into several types, including user management permissions, device management permissions, real-time browsing permissions, rotation configuration permissions, pan tilt control permissions, historical image retrieval and playback permissions, image backup and download permissions, etc;
When users log in to the system, they must undergo authentication and permission checks. When transmitting user login account information through the network, it cannot be transmitted in plaintext;
Multiple users can simultaneously browse real-time images of any monitoring point, with higher-level users having priority control (such as pan tilt control). System alarm function
1) Alarm method
The system alarm methods are divided into three types: motion detection alarm, external access alarm, and video source loss alarm:
1) Motion detection alarm: When the monitoring scene changes, the system generates alarm information and automatically performs alarm linkage functions such as screen switching and video storage. Each video frame is divided into 8 or more motion detection areas, and the sensitivity and effective time of each area can be set separately;
2) External access alarm: The multimedia access unit at the monitoring site has an alarm input function, which collects information on smoke alarms, water leaks, gas alarms, glass breakage, door opening, etc. through alarm probes installed on site. It can set the effective time of the alarm and has the function of remotely canceling the alarm;
3) Video source loss alarm: The system generates a no video source alarm when unplugging the video cable or when no video signal is obtained;
2) Alarm linkage function
Alarm and video linkage: When an alarm occurs, it automatically switches to display the alarm video information, automatically stores the alarm video, automatically captures pictures of the alarm scene, and displays the alarm list in a prominent manner on the client side;
Alarm and control linkage: When an alarm occurs, the on-site lights will automatically turn on, the on-site alarm will automatically activate, and other on-site equipment will start working;
Alarm linkage output function: When an alarm occurs, the monitoring center has multiple output alarm methods such as sound and light alarm, alarm printing, alarm short message, voice alarm, electronic map alarm, etc; At the same time, alarm information can also be output to other alarm processing systems (such as alarm dispatch systems);
3) Alarm query function
Historical alarm information can be queried based on camera name, date and time, alarm type, and other criteria. Set video and alarm associations, and when querying alarms, the system automatically searches for the corresponding video files stored during the alarm time period. Platform Control Function Remote real-time image browsing
Through IE, video images can be opened intuitively, and the layout of various cameras and detectors in the entire jurisdiction can be viewed intuitively through the maps of each jurisdiction in the electronic map. By clicking on the camera icon responsible for a certain area on the electronic map, the monitoring image of that area can be viewed. The system supports vector maps, which can be easily zoomed in and out of the map. It can be seamlessly integrated with GIS for future positioning and monitoring of vehicles or other GPS terminal devices within its jurisdiction. In the future, it can be upgraded and connected to the vehicle's 3G network wireless video, and the vehicle can be located through the map. Camera Remote Control
It can control the camera pan tilt (up, down, left, right, automatic), camera control (aperture, zoom, focus), auxiliary switch control (pan tilt, wipers), image effect adjustment (brightness, contrast, chromaticity, saturation, volume), and quick ball control (preset position setting and adjustment, automatic cruise control). Real time detection and scheduled inspection
The system can monitor the operating status of the equipment in real time, and can issue an alarm when the equipment encounters an abnormality. The location and content of the alarm can be displayed on the electronic map, with sound and light prompts. Administrators can view the operation status of all devices, the current activity status, alarm and disposal status, and operation logs of all logged in users in the network at any time, and can generate statistical charts.
The system has the function of conducting scheduled inspections and clock calibration on devices. The inspection content includes storage status, network connection status, system operation status, number of connected clients, and operation status parameters provided by the device manufacturer. The obtained data is stored in logs and can display the current or historical status in the form of curves, charts, etc. Remote/Local Image Retrieval and Playback
It can retrieve, download, and replay video materials such as regular videos, motion detection videos, alarm videos, and captured images based on retrieval conditions such as time, channel, local, and remote. And it can be saved to the storage server in the monitoring center. During the playback process, operations such as playing, pausing, stopping, fast forward, rewind, capturing images, and video file editing can be performed. It can also be replayed simultaneously in multiple channels, making it convenient to view recorded materials. Multi screen Preview Group
Preview group rotation switch. Preview groups can be customized, with the option to set up 1, 3, 9, 16, 24, and 32 multi screen preview groups. It can automatically open the channel upon startup and start rotating. Remote upgrade and maintenance of equipment
For the maintenance of various remote alarm and video/audio terminal devices in the network, administrators do not need to arrive at the device site. They can remotely monitor the operating status of the devices and modify their various parameters, which not only improves the efficiency of device maintenance, but also saves manpower and time, and facilitates the management of the entire system, ensuring the reliability of the entire monitoring system. Remote alarm deployment and disarming
It is possible to view the working status of all front-end alarm hosts in real time through the network, and control the deployment, disarming, zone bypass, and alarm system reset of the alarm hosts. Alarm linkage
It is possible to monitor all emergency alarm information from anywhere through the network, such as robbery, theft, and incident disputes. When an alarm occurs in a certain place, the alarm information is automatically uploaded to the monitoring center, and the on-site image linked with the alarm signal is simultaneously transmitted to the monitoring center for pop-up display and automatic recording backup in the monitoring center. The location of the network point will flash on the electronic map. Simultaneously, the monitoring center generates sound or light alarms. Voice intercom and monitoring
The monitoring center can conduct two-way voice communication with accident sites equipped with intercom devices. Through the monitoring system center software, it can connect to call the area where the front-end camera is located for voice communication, achieving mutual communication and guidance for daily work content. Automatic timing function
The monitoring center sets up automatic time synchronization service. When the hard disk recorder of the branch is connected to the main control server, the local time will be changed to the same time as the main control server. Ensure the accuracy of time parameters in surveillance video data and improve the credibility of the data. Various permission controls
Users at all levels can only browse video and audio signals with permission granted by the monitoring center server, and perform corresponding remote pan tilt control operations; The control terminal machine is registered in the management server through MAC address encryption to limit the functions of the control terminal. Leader query function
Leaders at all levels can use the desktop PC office system to query statistical data (operator attendance, violation operation summary, alarm information summary, etc.) and video materials (non real time video materials, violation operation video materials, alarm video materials, etc.) through the IE browser, and can directly connect to real-time images for on-site supervision. Platform management function Equipment Management
With the expansion of digital monitoring systems, the devices connected to the system will make management tasks increasingly large, and the operation of the system may also be affected by business adjustments. At the same time, various operating parameters of the system will continue to be optimized. Therefore, the management platform should have the ability to manage all network devices. Depending on the degree of openness of the connected hardware devices, it should be able to achieve at least the setting ability required for daily maintenance by users, and strive to achieve equipment maintenance and management capabilities for all aspects except for hard failures.
These management abilities will be specifically reflected in the following aspects:
Monitoring of device operating status
Multi level cascaded network management of simulation matrix
Online modification of operating parameters for hard disk recorders or video encoders
Modification of operating parameters for centralized storage devices
Ø Auxiliary fault diagnosis and reporting
Ø Remote software upgrade
The modifiable operating parameters of a hard disk recorder or video encoder include: video format (CIF/D1), transmission rate adjustment, character overlay modification, camera index name modification, recording strategy, external alarm source configuration, communication format settings for pan tilt or fastball cameras, etc.
A complex distributed network video system requires the interconnection of multiple subsystems, and initial installation and debugging may require thousands or even tens of thousands of parameter configurations. In actual operation, it is often necessary to add devices or adjust parameters, which cannot be completed through simple command statements. Relying on developers to complete system setup and maintenance will result in a significant increase in system implementation costs and inability to complete handover to the owner.
The Ruiguang Jiyuan video surveillance management platform supports the access of various devices with communication interfaces and communication protocols. All image resources are uniformly numbered, configured, scheduled, and managed. Administrators can remotely batch read and configure any device in the system, and can adjust various parameters of the devices separately or in batches; The process of system setup runs in the background and does not affect the user's current monitoring operations. User Management
Including login and logout; Add, delete, modify users, etc. User information includes login username, password, permissions, user description, etc. The permissions are divided into three types: system administrator, operator, and ordinary user. The system administrator has the highest authority and can use all management functions; Operators cannot perform functions such as modifying logs, adding users, attendance, and performance statistics. Ordinary users can only play authorized video files. Operators or system administrators log in to the system to obtain the corresponding permissions. (Detailed time recording to implement check-in function) Log Management
The system automatically records operator log information (operator login, logout, daily operations, alarm information, equipment failure information, operation type, operation time, operator, whether the operation is successful, etc.), and can be automatically uploaded to the monitoring center management server database as a basis for performance evaluation of staff and assessment of whether they have violated regulations, for future inspection by leaders; In addition, operators can also choose to form log records of their operations on the monitoring subsystem, such as browsing images or manipulating remote monitoring hosts. Users can categorize and view. Video Data Management
The video data stored in the storage device of the monitoring center is the video clips and corresponding records generated during the corresponding time period when violations or alarms are discovered. The management of this data information should include: recording information generation, such as file name, generation time, operator identification, time period, event type, video storage path, etc. The records are automatically generated by the backend program; Maintenance of video materials, such as regular backup, archiving, cleaning, etc; The reception of remote video data, during non business hours, extracts remote monitoring video information based on custom extraction strategies, such as time periods, etc; Support multi-user retrieval of video materials, authorized operators or leaders can view the corresponding video clips afterwards, such as opening a web browser, entering username and password information, obtaining a statistical data page, calling relevant videos based on statistical data, clicking to view video information, obtaining a list of authorized video events, and clicking on one of the video events to automatically enter the media player for playback. Maintenance and Management
Register the digital monitoring hosts within the jurisdiction and form a complete equipment record. The registration content includes: device name, manufacturer, applied branch name, service contact phone number, etc. You can also perform operations such as modification, deletion, addition, browsing, and querying. In case of a malfunction, the operator shall register and mark the equipment as unavailable; After the fault is resolved, the operator can remove the fault marker and perform operations such as modification, deletion, addition, browsing, and querying. Operation Management
1) Multiple image manipulation control mechanisms
The network client can monitor multiple real-time image information in real time and achieve simultaneous monitoring of one machine on the same screen; Multiple network clients can simultaneously monitor any front-end image. On the TV wall, the image of any monitoring point on the front end can be displayed in real time, and the display can be rotated and switched. With the support of network conditions, multiple users located in different locations can simultaneously watch real-time video materials from any network within the system. On personal monitoring terminals, 4 to 16 segmented multi screen displays can be performed, and each screen can switch between images within the system at will. Multiple screen combinations, rotation switching methods, and camera pre positioning monitoring modes can be saved in the form of files for easy multiple calls.
Camera grouping: Supports switching and selection based on monitoring area, management permissions, and actual usage (such as travel route) grouping, with simple settings.
Rotation patrol: The system has a video automatic patrol function, which conducts image inspections of monitoring points across the entire network within a set interval time. The objects participating in the rotation patrol can be set arbitrarily, and the rotation interval time can be set. Monitoring images can be displayed alternately using pre-set trigger sequences and time intervals; It is possible to specify certain devices to perform a specific action at a certain time.
Camera information settings: You can set the location, IP, alias, area, location, and other information of all cameras in the system.
Character overlay and image masking: Chinese name, current date, time, location, camera number and other character information can be overlaid at any position in the image; Images and black screen frames can be overlaid at any position in the image to mask areas that need to be hidden. Each camera can preset more than 8 different place names, and when the camera rotates to the corresponding angle, the system automatically displays the corresponding place name. The system can access subtitles from different devices as needed, with consistent parameters such as subtitle content and display position.
PTZ and fastball control: supports direction control, automatic scanning, preset position management, aperture and focal length management, lens zoom; Adjustable pan tilt speed; Support control of lights, wipers, and power switches; Support custom auxiliary switch control; Support camera locking and unlocking; Convenient for parameter setting of pan tilt/fastball controllers. Equipped with a fully functional gimbal lens control interface and customizable communication protocol, it can be paired with multiple decoders; Can set and control the all-round continuously variable transmission, preset position control, cruise control, etc. of high-speed fastball;
Keyboard and monitor operation management: Supports matrix keyboards from multiple manufacturers, supports keyboard roaming across the network, and supports multiple monitors forming a large screen. Operators can complete most real-time monitoring operations through the keyboard. Support monitor permission settings and locking. Maintain a complex correspondence between the monitor and keyboard and display it on the screen. On the monitor, it can automatically switch according to the preset camera browsing sequence; Can set the total session time for each keyboard user; You can set physical parameters such as keyboard model and serial port. Users can input the camera number or switch between multiple layers of camera lists, or click on the camera icon on the electronic map to switch; It can be operated by clicking on a soft keyboard with a mouse, or by connecting to a hard keyboard and using a joystick; The joystick of the keyboard should not only be able to control the orientation of the gimbal, but also the zoom of the lens.
2) Operation timeout automatic protection
Users of the monitoring center can operate using both analog matrix keyboards and computer monitoring terminals; The system provides an automatic logout time for each operation keyboard. After the automatic logout time, if there is no control action on the keyboard, the keyboard will automatically relinquish control of the device; The automatic logout time range is adjustable from 1 to 255 seconds. If an operator with high operational privileges leaves and forgets to lock the control keyboard, the system will automatically lock the keyboard after a certain period of time to prevent unauthorized personnel from operating illegally; The automatic locking time range is adjustable from 1 to 99 minutes.
3) Video recording operation management
The system can record and save all images in 4CIF format for 24 hours, with a storage time of 15 days; Regular recording, alarm activation recording, and motion detection recording can also be performed as needed, and the time periods should be defined separately; Each camera can be set to record multiple time periods per day. Important recordings should have upload and backup functions; Users can input the camera number and time for querying, as well as click on the monitoring point on the electronic map and query through the time list; The selected image data can be saved separately in standard formats such as AVI or DivX, and the selected image can also be saved or printed as a photo in JPEG and BMP file formats; During video playback, video files can be freely spliced together, and the video stream can be edited and played during playback.
4) Camera automatic cruise control
The camera has an automatic cruise function, which can patrol various predetermined monitoring areas according to pre-set time and speed. When a user operates the camera, it should be able to temporarily cancel the cruise termination state. When the user abandons the operation or the keyboard automatically cancels, the camera can return to the preset cruise state.
5) GIS linkage operation
The video surveillance management platform can be extended to integrate an electronic map (GIS) system for monitoring operations. Authorized users should be able to edit each camera point on the electronic map, and users can set their own map login interface. When the monitoring user logs in, the system will pop up the default map interface for the area under its jurisdiction. Alarm management function
1) Alarm information management
The central control terminal can receive device abnormal alarm information (video and audio signal loss, hard disk error, software abnormality, etc.) and probe alarm information (alarm probe alarm, video loss alarm, etc.) uploaded by the front-end collection terminal, and can automatically call up the video images of the relevant channels of the alarm point according to the pre-set settings. At the same time, the alarm information is classified and stored on the server, and text explanations are added to the relevant videos in a timely manner for easy file saving and querying.
Alarm access: The system can access various standard alarm signals through I/O alarm input or RS232 serial port; Support the connection of multiple types of alarm boxes and alarm hosts.
Remote alarm and linkage control: detect multiple alarm signals, automatically activate various corresponding linkage devices when an alarm occurs, switch the video to the corresponding camera, trigger automatic recording, and alert the monitoring center through the network. The client will pop up an alarm message prompt.
Alarm linkage worksheet: Specify an alarm linkage worksheet for each alarm input on the client side. The worksheet can specify which alarm outputs to link according to different time periods from Monday to Sunday and holidays.
System alarm events can be subdivided into several types: device fault alarms, incoming alarms, and network linkage alarms.
2) Equipment malfunction alarm
The management software platform communicates with the front-end installed devices at a certain refresh rate and processes various device request instructions. During this refresh cycle, if the device does not respond to instructions from the management software platform, it can be considered a device failure or network failure, and this can be used as an extension to achieve fault alarm display and analysis of all managed devices in the network. The most common ones are as follows:
Unplanned disconnection alarm for hard disk recorder and encoder
Single channel video loss or abnormal alarm
Network blocking alarm
Storage device abnormal operation alarm
3) External physical device alarm
This alarm type refers to various switch quantity alarms that have been connected to the system and configured, including other alarms recognized by the software.
Various manual button based alarms
Probe sensor type alarm
Motion detection alarm
4) Network linked alarm
The system software platform can accept open database form type alarms, such as 110 alarm handling center alarms, license plate blacklist alarms, etc. The system software platform has corresponding database query and triggering strategies, and can make processing instructions based on interface categories.
5) Procedure for handling alarm events
After an alarm event occurs, the system notifies the on duty personnel in the form of a pop-up event box, supplemented by sound and light prompts. The display of alarm events is considered to be at the highest level and can be classified into three levels: general, emergency, and severe according to a predetermined definition. The severe level will require priority processing, and any unprocessed alarm event will be displayed at the top level for a long time to alert the parties involved.
The system software platform can send alarm events to designated duty stations for processing. The IP address of the duty station workstation can be specified, and the user account for processing can also be specified. Alarm events can be sent to one duty station or to multiple duty stations. Until the event is handled, the alarm will disappear, and the handler can also add the handling result as a brief message in the remarks column for future reference.
Alarm events can also be used as keywords to retrieve stored recordings, reducing the time required for manual comparison of recordings.
6) Contingency plan for alarm events
The contingency plan for police incidents is necessary. In the event of an emergency, in addition to deploying necessary police forces, the system software platform can also make a series of action responses:
The main console automatically switches to map mode and displays the location of the alarm source
Automatically pop up and display images of points associated with the alarm source
Ø Start recording
When an alarm or other alarm occurs, it can automatically switch to the corresponding monitoring point, display the image of the point on the screen, and give instructions on the electronic map. The computer will emit sound prompts and record relevant alarm information. Can indicate nearby monitoring points on the electronic map during camera switching and control.
According to the source of the alarm, it can be divided into motion detection and external system access. The motion detection area and effective time can be set separately; Provide various alarm prompt methods such as SMS, alarm box, real-time printing, etc. Automatically switch videos, save videos, and capture when an alarm occurs; Linking videos with alarm quantities can automatically search for video materials associated with alarm events by using alarm events as search keywords.
2.2.3 Distance Education Subsystem



Establish a data center: realize online related teaching work, such as learning, training, exams, certifications, etc;
Ø Using Internet technology: realizing teaching in different places, at different times and without space restrictions;
Multimedia technology: Improve teaching quality through tools such as broadcasting, video, and electronic whiteboards.
2.2.4 Campus Broadcasting and Background Music Subsystem
Smart campus not only brings you convenience and comfort in life, but also allows you to leisurely stroll with the background music system. In the face of emergencies, emergency notices and broadcasts can also be issued.
Background music can be broadcasted in different zones or customized by users through smart terminals, with priority based multi machine broadcast control modes. For example, music can be customized for shopping malls, teaching buildings, canteens, and accommodation buildings.
All broadcasting terminals use IP stereo broadcasting terminals. The existing broadcasting system can also be retrofitted.
Background music and LCD screen improve auditory and visual enjoyment on campus. It brings not only convenience and comfort in learning and life, but also leisurely strolling on campus with the background music system, stepping into piano music. LCD avoids the need to post notices, advertisements, etc. on various units and bulletin boards, reducing pollution and enhancing aesthetics.
The broadcasting system adopts a pure digital network audio broadcasting system based on IP data network, which supports the digital conversion of various analog audio sources. As a digital audio broadcasting system, it directly applies digital format audio resources. According to the different broadcasting areas in the prison, the system is divided into one broadcasting main control center and multiple broadcasting sub control centers.
As the broadcasting control center, the main control center adopts a digital broadcasting host combined with multimedia control software to achieve broadcasting for the entire prison. The central control center can directly broadcast and communicate with the armed police on duty at two checkpoints to handle police situations. Each sub control center serves as a broadcasting sub control center and achieves individual broadcasting to each monitoring area through multimedia sub control software. The normal responsibility of the monitoring center is perimeter monitoring. When a linkage warning occurs in a certain defense zone, the broadcasting (intercom) equipment on two adjacent armed police stations will automatically establish intercom broadcasting status with the main control center, and the video wall will display the broadcasting access status. After disarming, it will automatically reset. The overall platform of the system records in detail the entire process of police incidents and their handling.
The broadcasting system has the following main functions:
1) Fire linkage emergency broadcast
When a fire emergency alarm is triggered, it can be matched one by one or in one to multiple groups, and emergency broadcasting can be automatically carried out.
2) Point to point paging broadcast
The sub control workstation can use microphones to broadcast single point and grouped paging speeches to broadcasting terminals through sound cards.
3) Paging intercom function
The intercom terminals can communicate with each other. Thus, the office can broadcast and speak to any area, and call and talk between duty rooms, command centers, and duty rooms.
4) Support single point playback
It can broadcast to any single point, group, partition, or all. The system can set up any number of groups to play designated audio programs at the same time, or broadcast speeches to any designated area.
2.2.5 Campus One Card Subsystem
The one card system uses IC cards as information carriers, IC card readers and writers as information exchange devices, and computer and communication technology as means to connect various facilities on campus into an organic whole. In this one card system, students, faculty, visitors, etc. can use an IC card representing their personal identity to achieve "one card" functions such as identity recognition, vehicle access management, access control management, consumption management, security patrol, attendance, etc. within the campus. And provide virtual currency integration for campus students and faculty, realizing functions such as electronic wallet payment and online card payment, providing users with a safer, more convenient, and comfortable working and living environment. Provide managers with more convenient management methods, organically integrate various subsystems within the campus, and form a complete intelligent one card system.
The enterprise one card system is built on the campus network, utilizing computers, network equipment, terminals, and other devices to fully leverage the advantages of the network. With the help of IC cards as carriers, it achieves advanced information management systems. From the perspective of IC card data, through a systematic analysis of the IC card application process, the entire network system architecture adopts a three-level platform structure: the digital factory center data serves as the first level platform; The front-end service system serves as a secondary platform; Each application system is a three-level platform.
Primary platform: The shared data center, unified identity authentication, and unified portal system on campus serve as the core for data exchange and sharing;
Secondary platform: As a front-end service for application access to the secondary platform, it carries data transmission, load balancing, access auditing, third-party subsystem coordination, and direct database operations for isolated applications, greatly improving system performance.
Third level platform: various application subsystems of this project and other application subsystems associated with the card.
The main design of the large-scale one card system adopts a three-layer architecture, which provides better processing performance and clear system responsibilities. It is composed of various functional modular architectures. When a certain functional module in the one card management section is upgraded or modified, other modules do not need to be recompiled and can be completed with a small amount of configuration or settings. When upgrading or modifying various application systems, the platform and corresponding management parts do not need any changes, only simple configuration based on system code, machine code, IP address and other registration information is required. Fully achieved the step-by-step construction of multiple applications, independent operation, centralized management, and global data sharing.
The system architecture design fully considers the dual-use and compatibility of networking/disconnection.
The operating modes of a system generally include real-time communication and non real time communication methods. Based on years of engineering implementation experience, our company believes that a stable and secure campus one card system must be a system that tightly combines two operating modes, that is, it can be used not only online but also offline. When connected to the internet, the system communicates online and various data are automatically exchanged. Once there is a network malfunction, the cards and terminal devices of the payment recognition medium can still be used offline and normally.
The overall system structure diagram is as follows:



2.2.6 Campus Security Intercom Subsystem
2.2.7 Campus Vehicle Management Subsystem
The vehicle management system includes several aspects such as vehicle management, parking lot traffic planning, pedestrian guidance, etc. All entrances and exits are managed in a networked manner, with Mifare cards used for billing, including fixed and temporary billing methods.
There is a traffic map of the main road network in the city at the exit of the parking lot, a parking space idle sign at the entrance, and parking guidance signs inside, which can provide full guidance for important vehicles.
Scientific management of vehicles entering and exiting campus gates and underground parking lots is implemented through the card swiping and sensing method of the one card system. Residents can share one card with entrance and exit management systems, unit doors, and other management systems. Visiting vehicles can use temporary cards for entry and exit, and cooperate with the image comparison function of the vehicles. This not only ensures the safety of the owners' vehicles, but also prevents the entry of miscellaneous vehicles, and can be expanded to the campus consumption field.



The system can achieve the following functions:
Temporary vehicle charging function: When a temporary vehicle enters the site, it will receive a temporary card from the ticket machine. When leaving, it must pay the prescribed fee and be confirmed by security before leaving;
Ø Parking lot management function: Parking lot management function is the core function of centralized aggregation, comprehensive processing, and intelligent response of parking lot information. Managers can comprehensively control various information indicators of the parking lot through the parking lot management function, and achieve functions such as comprehensive publishing, unified scheduling, automatic backup, alarm prompts, etc;
Ø Parking guidance function: Provides drivers with information on parking space occupancy and internal driving routes through various methods such as SMS inquiry, online inquiry, and terminal display, in order to optimize and conveniently guide drivers to find parking spaces;
Reverse car search function: The reverse car search function allows users to query the location and guide route of the vehicle's parking through smart terminals or mobile text messages, making it convenient for users to find the parking area as soon as possible;
Ø Special vehicle management function: Special vehicle management is an important upgraded function of intelligent parking lots. It uses technologies such as parking space perception, video recognition, and intelligent card reading to provide exclusive permissions for special vehicles. The entrance of the parking lot can actively recognize the identity of special vehicles and guide them to enter the exclusive parking space. When the parking space of a special vehicle is illegally occupied, the system will automatically sound an alarm;
Image comparison function: When vehicles enter and exit the parking lot, the digital video recorder automatically activates the camera function and stores the photo files in the computer. When entering the venue, the computer automatically compares the new photo with the last photo of the vehicle entering, and the monitoring personnel can monitor the safety situation of the vehicle in real time;
Real time information on school commuter buses: Provides information on the travel status, route, and arrival time of commuter buses to campus personnel through various means such as station sign displays and mobile terminal displays, in order to optimize and facilitate the use of commuter buses by faculty and students.
2.2.8 Remote Meter Reading Subsystem for Water, Electricity, and Gas
The remote meter reading and metering system is an important component of campus intelligence. It will replace traditional door-to-door and IC card metering methods, making the measurement of water, electricity, gas, heating, and thermal meters in student dormitories, faculty dormitories, classrooms, and office buildings more accurate, convenient, and fast, and facilitating centralized management.
2.2.9 Campus Street Lighting and Landscape Lighting Subsystem
Street light monitoring is achieved through the network by switching on and off road and landscape lights, and the status of the lights can be monitored through a central monitoring platform, greatly saving labor costs, electricity bills, and improving management efficiency.
Industrial control computers can be used in the monitoring center to monitor the working status of the lighting system in each section at any time, in order to grasp whether each section has been lit up normally, and real-time data such as lighting rate and on/off status can be observed at any time, greatly improving the level of lighting management; The monitoring computer can be used to set the scheduled on/off time of the lighting system for each road section every day, so that the on/off time of each day perfectly matches the dawn and dusk time; It can also be integrated with various sensors, turning off lights when unmanned and turning on fixed area lights when an alarm is triggered. Temporary instructions for turning on and off lights (including fountain systems) can be issued to the lighting switchgear as needed at any time.
2.2.10 Public Area WIFI Coverage and Authentication System
WiFi signal coverage includes both internal and external networks, mainly covering teaching buildings, restaurants, and public areas of the campus. Internal WiFi is mainly used for transmitting and communicating short messages between campus staff, faculty, and students, as well as notifications or reminders. Passwords need to be entered when accessing the network. Foreign WiFi can be used for free, and its coverage is mainly used for communication and interaction between visitors or personnel and the internet. Free WiFi is an essential part of attracting customers. And free WiFi is also a very good promotional tool. When customers link to your free WiFi hotspot and open their browser, a WiFi welcome interface will automatically pop up, which can be used to introduce and promote the school.
2.2.11 Emergency Command and Dispatch System
The multimedia scheduling system is based on the existing basic transmission communication methods in the park, integrating TDM communication, VOIP communication, wireless cluster, fixed telephone, and GSM communication to achieve one click direct call for dispatchers. And it has all the common functions of a scheduling system, such as forced insertion, forced disconnection, monitoring, group calling, conference mode, call recording, etc.

Created on:2024-09-04 17:55