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Access Plan for Political and Legal Comprehensive Information Network

Political and Legal Comprehensive Information Network Access Solution, Political and Legal Network Access Solution, Political and Legal Broadband Fiber Optic Information Communication Network, Political and Legal Network Networking Solution, Political and Legal Access Network System Solution


Project Overview
The political and legal access network is a comprehensive information network that includes the city's public security, political and legal committees (comprehensive management office), public security, procuratorates, courts, and judicial administration. The political and legal access network is a dedicated network that relies on a 2.5G three-level MSTP transmission network to carry comprehensive applications such as voice (telephone, fax, conference calls, etc.), data (Ethernet), and video (video conferencing, video surveillance, video command). Through renovation and construction, a city wide fiber optic access network will be established to achieve interconnectivity of voice, data, and video. The entire network will adopt a unified comprehensive information network platform to achieve interconnectivity and resource sharing among departments of the political, legal, and public security systems, thereby providing strong support for the informationization work of the political, legal, and public security systems.
Networking solution
This plan is an explanation of the feasible networking solution and product technology provided by Beijing Ruiguang Jiyuan Digital Technology Co., Ltd. for the * * * City Political and Legal Comprehensive Information Access Network. All business support of this plan is built on the upstream 2.5G three-level backbone MSTP network. Through the STM-1 optical interface and GE interface provided by the three-level backbone network, with the county public security bureau as the core aggregation node, it carries the business of the county public security bureau, county procuratorate, judiciary, county-level directly affiliated units, and various police stations/comprehensive management offices/judicial offices through the construction of a full fiber network, achieving full network voice, Ethernet, E1 interconnection.
This plan focuses on describing the networking method, fiber optic lines and business flow, Ethernet business allocation mode and bandwidth, voice implementation method, equipment configuration, network optimization explanation, business activation, node configuration plan, original equipment reuse plan, equipment installation organization and implementation plan, and cutover plan in the political and legal access network system solution.
Networking method
The political and legal comprehensive information access network undertakes the STM-1 optical interface and GE interface provided by the three-level MSTP2.5G transmission network for public security in each district (county), and provides STM-1 optical interface for political and legal committees, procuratorates, law enforcement agencies, and other units in each district (county).
The political and legal access network adopts full fiber access to achieve dedicated telephone lines, broadband Ethernet interconnection, and E1 channel video access from county-level units to various townships and directly affiliated units. The Ethernet public, inspection, law, and company networks are physically isolated through EOS channels configured with equipment. The public security access network adopts a hierarchical management approach to achieve access to data, voice, and video from grassroots units.
The political and legal access network adopts a unified network management method, forming a star shaped network topology structure with district (county) public security bureaus as aggregation nodes, district (county) government, procuratorate, judiciary, and department as aggregation nodes, township police stations as township aggregation nodes, and county directly affiliated units and grassroots units as access nodes.
The devices configured for the access network adopt an integrated solution of transmission and access, which enables unified deployment and monitoring of all network devices, as well as unified construction of politics and law, sharing of transmission resources, and saving construction costs. Make full use of the development of existing communication technology, configure products designed with advanced technology, meet the requirements of system expansion and upgrading of political and legal access networks over a long period of time, and be able to meet the requirements of future development.
Overall network topology diagram



The above figure clearly indicates the method of transmitting optical signals on the fiber optic lines in the political and legal access network. Overall, this political and legal optical fiber transmission access network adopts a combination of SDH technology's MSTP multi service transmission method, SDH technology's MSAP multi service access method, and PDH access method. The use of MSTP and MSAP technologies can smoothly upgrade to meet the bandwidth requirements of future political and legal access networks for transmission and access data.
This project aims to meet the port and bandwidth requirements of the political and legal access network construction by adding corresponding equipment, utilizing existing equipment, and expanding the business cards of existing equipment. It will achieve 155M transmission bandwidth using SDH technology for district level units and city level units, 155M transmission bandwidth using SDH technology for county (city) level horizontal networks, 155M transmission bandwidth using SDH technology for county (city) level units, 155M transmission bandwidth using PDH technology for district level units (police stations, comprehensive management offices, grassroots courts), and 155M transmission bandwidth using PDH technology for county (city) level units.

Created on:2024-09-04 18:19